
SXSW wins as they are just stopping this crap completely. you couldn’t


Yes how dare they treat people who aren’t straight white men like human beings.

Drake is dope, this video/his moves are dope, and your site has increased its dope-itude just by putting this up.

Because he's old. He's very old.

Well each track has its own set of audience reactions, with different real-world bands playing the different songs. And again the single-player mode is pretty limited, another reason for the focus on TV post launch.

You must be a real treat at parties.

It’s a funny idea.

This article totally makes up for the rambling, bizarre, luddite Xbox setup one from when I was eating my breakfast this morning.

Tyler is a beacon of light in the Gawker universe.

“See, now here’s a high character guy who is going to be great.”

Yeah, but...don’t be a dick.

Strange that you say “hyper-liberal”, when liberal means exactly that, that you are free (that’s what “liberal” means) to have a boner and freedom to express your own sexuality.

As a man who has suffered from an abusive relationship (the kind no one really talks about), I found this piece incredibly balanced, thoughtful and insightful. It’s never as simple as people want to make it out to be.