Show me the birth certificates.
Show me the birth certificates.
Floyd Mayweather UFC record 2-0.
All jokes aside, it’s a good idea, introduces kids to VR in a nice practical way. On the other hand, then you have to take your kids to McDonalds...
If that’s how you feel I guess that’s all there is to say on it. Personally i’d rather not go somewhere like Breibart and be insulted, and feel angry, seems like self-torture to me, but if that’s how you choose to proceed more power to ya for being open-minded.
I don’t hold any power over the comments here, i’m just saying, sincerely, that you seem to be really, really angry at Howard, Deadspin, and also Liberal media. If Deadspin is supposed liberal media why would you spend time here? What do you get out of it. I’m not silencing you, you can still respond and speak your…
I mean you seem to have really strong feelings on Deadspin, why do you even read it?
I mean, Gawker kept Jordan Sargent after his incident of outing a gay dude, and then acted like they were in the right(they probably still think they’re in the right). Regardless of my stance on Howard, if that culture exists on all the sites i’m guessing he’ll be staying as long as he likes.
I mean if that’s how you feel there’s nothing I can really say. I certainly don’t think you’re a racist(there’s not really enough evidence of that), but I just find it kinda... weird that someone would dedicate even a few minutes a day to hating on the guy when it would be so much easier to simply ignore his work. I…
Man you guys been giving Greg Howard a lot of shit. Idk why but it’s probably a disproportionate amount of hate towards someone for(at most) something they wrote which you didn’t agree with.
It’s almost like there ISN’T any racial bias on Deadspin’s part.
That’s because it’s partially written by Drake and you can totally tell which parts he writes.
Now I understand what Kanye meant.
I mean Beyonce definitely deserved that VMA.
George Bush. Making critically acclaimed music.
I didn’t love the game(thought it was alright in the hour or so I played of it), I got a refund(i’ll probably pick it up later for less), but I thought it was interesting & was fun to play, but the negative reception from others definitely influenced my decision to refund a game I was otherwise enjoying, which makes…
Still only the 2nd biggest tragedy in Atlanta sports history.
For our team and organization, it is time to move forward
Exactly, ugh now to hear a bunch of assholes trash him for any number of reasons, many not relating to football.
I knew one of these jokes was coming and I wanted to hate it so much, but this was really funny. +1
For how much these things are gonna be selling for it better be my own personal murderbot.