
HA! Welcome to Gawker.

When you have an organization like Gawker that wants to 1) get sweet, sweet ad revenue from clickthroughs due to sensationalist headlines, and 2) wants to advance a certain agenda (fast food is bad and if you like McDonald's you are a bad person!), doing actual research falls into the "fuck it, we'll just run a

But research sounds too much like legitimate journalism, and that's hard. ;_;

Wasnt there some rumor floating around that we would be seeing a young jean grey in the movie?

I'm going to start a completely made up, yet awesome Star Wars rumor.

Yeah, we pretty much just had the biggest conspiracy drop in a webcomic in a while, and I really doubt many people saw it coming, it's brilliant, but to come in and see any of the last few pages as a new person will ruin it.

Oh definitely, I guess I more meant the...I guess we could call it the "King Radical" arc is probably about wrapped up (not that it's necessarily done with King Radical, but his big plan was both revealed and foiled), it including like, at least 5 other pretty huge story arcs. Man I love this comic.

it's dead jim.

Speaks for itself.

true that.

I think the zombie that Rick kept staring at was somehow infected with whatever disease is running around the prison. His eyes looked similar to the kids at the end of the episode.

I'd rather have that Bioshock game Ken Levine wants to make for the Vita.