
Its really not that much bigger than a Vita. Fits in literally all of my pockets. And when I don’t want to do that, there are some great non-tacky carrying cases.

So even the new bridges in the US suck ass?

Shocker, the toddlers who watch twitch streams are fans of Hip-Pop.

We Have a winner.

In-freaking-deed. I almost forgot about that.

That was closer to like 4 years, if you count all the foreshadowing in his 2011 Fantastic Four/Future Foundations runs. Which I do. Hickman’s Marvel stuff is ALL fantastic. F4/FF, Ultimates, New Avengers, Avengers, etc. I love that dude.

Looks like Polygon had to up their cgi game a bit. Knights of Sidonia wasn’t bad, but Blame! looked like hot trash. as did what I watched of that other show, Demi-Human or whatever.

Haven’t you spent the last couple of years ragging on all of the old EU novels? Now you’re ragging on the new ones? Did you ever stop to think that maybe, you just don’t like Star Wars that much, outside of the Movies/Shows?

Now playing

Should have just kept the promotional one with the whole cast singing it.

Now playing

If he’s writing a song about Topsy, He’s got some catching up to do:

IdolMinds should have made a new “Pain” instead. that game was stupid-fun.

Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. Are you guys seriously to the point where you’re posting overwatch videos of someone lagging? Like this is some monumental moment? I like OW as much as the next guy, but wow, this is a professional level shitpost.

You mean a Calvin with leathery wings, just flying around, flip-flopping, bust through a wall, make a perfect bat symbol in the wall, get outside, get in some wet concrete, jump up on a building, and just dry in place like a gargoyle Calvin? We are cooking with gas now, I love it, It’s in the movie, Next.

“Why should I have to pay for open heart surgery on a fat slob who does nothing but sit around all day eating fast food, smoking cigarettes, and not giving two seconds of thought to his personal health?”

That’s literally what you’re already doing with Your private health insurance. Do you know what insurance is?

*Okay *canon *there *Star Wars

I wonder if this will begin to touch upon the hidden extent of Bobby’s powers. He’s an Omega-level Mutant, but rarely is that actually considered when he’s written for. Guy could ice-9 the entire planet if he wanted to, but he’s still mostly treated as comic relief.

so episode 1 is MeowMeowBeenz?

Phantom Pain is a a game I will just never play. The Metal Gear Series ended with Peace Walker for me. And I’m okay with that. Jack Bauer is NOT Solid Snake.

damn it. now i need to catch up on Once.

Best Spike Speigel costume I’ve ever seen was this black dude named Rick. It was years ago at A-Kon 14 in dallas. That dude was like 7 feet tall and skinny as a rail, and had this awesome stuffed Corgi with him. His wig was perfect, he had a great Steve Blum voice, and had even perfected the slouchy walk that Spike