
DC comics are and always have been written for middle class white kids with no imagination. You gotta keep it simple so little Cody can finish his picture books in time for mommy to take him to soccer practice. You can't convolute the stories with things like "Genuine Relationships" or "Realistic Dialogue" You just

The more I read from John Hurt, the more worried it makes me. The guy has no love or respect for the source material. It seems like it's all just "Fake scientific nonsense" and bullshit to him. I mean honestly , if they're doing time war stuff, how much cheaper would it have been to just get McGann back? He had to

Because surely the show you linked originated the concept of robots that looked like humans.

So wait that means it will be *LESS* procedural? THANK GOD. The world needs FAR less formulaic cop shows with a gimmick. Hopefully Wyman can do the same thing he did with fringe, i.e. make you think you're watching a procedural then slowly turn it into a mythology show over the first 2 seasons. If you want a

Burn me. Throw me in the garbage. Give me to some necrophilliacs. Feed me to raccoons. I won't give a shit. Just don't bury me.

I jokingly shouted "Rutger Ex Machina!" literally seconds before he appeared. Ridiculous end to a ridiculous season. Too short though. 10 episodes is not long enough. I thought jason might be infected, explaining why Violet won't bang him, but she has been drinking him for months, so he must be fine. My prediction for

Read and somewhat enjoyed the first Artemis Fowl book when it came out during the height of pottermania, but after Colfer agreed to write the travesty that was "And Another Thing" (I refuse to refer to it as a part of the Hitchhiker series) I lost what little shred of respect for him that I had. Shit on whatever

i thought it had something to do with the anti-vamp legislation giving the govt the ability to seize property and such. I think when she called in the cavalry, she also seized Jason's house.

Excuse me, but "X-Files Redo" Does not do justice to Fringe at all. besides, Orci was just involved in the first season, and not much of it at that. I'm fine with Orci-bashing, Transformers sucks. But you leave Fringe alone.

there was no Squenix in the 90s. There was a Squaresoft that made amazing games, and an Enix, which was a company. then they merged, and the enix blood was too strong.

What, no Hanar jedi?

Norman, OK

Anyone else think that it looks like Theon is metamorphosing into Rickety Cricket? The grungier he gets, the more he looks like cricks. "Rise up, gonna get higher and high-er, WOO!"

PR is a bitch. This moron should've known he was representing his company when he put his title in his twitter profile. And blindly insulting a huge portion of their consumer-base while representing his company is just about the dumbest thing he could've done. No sympathy.

This is kind of what happens when your postal service is entirely comprised of uneducated inner city fuck ups. All dey gots is jesuseses love. How dare someone print a word they happen to villify.


You guys paid $160,000 for that...?

I admit, I only skimmed, because it started to sound like a self righteous "look how amazing I am for overcoming addiction" post. But honestly it sounds like your problem was less weed "addiction" and more the fact that you have FUCKING BIPOLAR DISORDER. instead of blaming the trees, maybe try taking your actual

Did anyone seriously ask for a THIRD Army of 2? I mean really?

While I agree with the piece, maybe next time learn to fucking grammar. Good christ it's like myspace circa 2003 up there.