
I could give 2 shits about GOTY awards. but really? Papo and Yo? an insanely buggy downloadable title that sold, what, 14 copies? Methinks you're just being a contrarian hipster douche for the sake of being a contrarian hipster douche. *looks at url* oh, of course, my mistake.

Well, maybe you should've gotten off your high-horse and just reserved it at gamestop? Would've saved you ten bucks, plus you'd have gotten the creature slaughter dome. Sucks to be you hombre.

Hi Randy! My friend talked you into signing me a Maya poster at Community Day, since i wasn't able to come, THANK YOU SO MUCH! It's Awesome. My question is, When should we hear more about Gearbox Shift, and opportunities to get more Golden Keys? I've used one of my 2, and am hoarding the last one for when I hit the

Sounds like they just jacked BL2's "Badass Rank" system to me. Though I'm glad to hear about them implementing something other than a new way to monetize the game.

No Mention of Josh Holloway voicing Corvo? Fuckin Sawyer man!

"ignoring mobile platforms like iOS and Android for the present" Thank god.

Aaaaaaaand that confirms that i will never buy a 3ds. Charging extra $ for a BATTERY POWERED second stick? no fucking thank you.

Arrow Smithing? please?

you're wrong. don't be a dick.

I just did this for mine and a friends PS3s this weekend! Its not that daunting if you've ever built or worked on Laptop/pc hardware. Hell, its 100 times easier to tear down than any MacBook. Its a shame the fix won't last, but just being able to see all my saves again was wonderful. I've since backed everything up,

Agreed, Though I still recommend Children of the Jedi and Darksaber. Children of the jedi if only for Callista's origin, and Darksaber just because it's great. People give KJA a lot of crap, But Darksaber is my favorite EU novel there is, and ever will be. It also ties up a few loose ends from his Jedi Academy Trilogy.

PoT was Barbara Hambly, as it rounded off the unoficial "Callista" trilogy she started in Children of the Jedi and KJA continued in Darksaber.

...and with him goes any legitimate games coverage... Sad day...

so hypothetically, one could play Dust 514, to the point where you could make actual people lose real money? Oh man, the Trolls are going to loooooove this.

jesus, will you chill? its a few set pics. grow up.

Maybe kotaku should stop reporting on reddit posts before they're verified? might make you guys look less like sensationalist morons.

Was kind of hoping they'd buck the trend and have a dude companion.

What was Cloverfield a remake of?

No Wicker Man?!