How the fuck does a “college student” afford all that shit? I think one of those monitors cost what I paid for a semester of room and board...
How the fuck does a “college student” afford all that shit? I think one of those monitors cost what I paid for a semester of room and board...
I wish lifehacker editors would check their facts before they made incorrect assertions.
Pretty sure I bought it because I like the look of it. Guess when it gets here it’ll be time to start labeling everything. Thermostat. Bowl. Fork. Light Switch. Dog. 1. Dog 2. Etc.
Pretty sure I bought it because I like the look of it. Guess when it gets here it’ll be time to start labeling…
I don’t know why, I’ve never needed a label maker, but I’ve just bought the damned thing. Thanks guys.
I don’t know why, I’ve never needed a label maker, but I’ve just bought the damned thing. Thanks guys.
Does anyone else just ...not care if they offend their family with their current life choices?
Many residential meters just have digits - and typically you will see after them a (000) which indicates a multiplier. Digit movement would usually take so much water... An easier way, if your meter has them, is see if you have a sweep hand on the meter - any movement at all when everything is off and there is water…
What: Spice Mix
What: DIY jewelry
Woah that ifixit took-kit is pretty pricey for what you get, a 54 piece mini screwdriver kit and a few basic tools.. I’d put maybe a $50 value on it.
When lenders give you money, they want to make sure you can pay it back. If they think you’re a “risky” borrower,…
Microsoft has made a big deal about its new Universal Apps for Windows 10. While some developers are slow to jump on…
No... If you try to hit them out from the back you risk much more damage than just filling a hole. That’s the entire point.
I prefer cyberpower, and theirs are cheaper than APC:…
I prefer cyberpower, and theirs are cheaper than APC:…
Your body language, eye contact, and speech patterns can send subtle signals that set the tone of a conversation.…
Wait...employers can still contribute to 401Ks? The way my last 5 jobs have been, you’d think they were banned from the practice.
The internet has a tendency to bring even the most productive of days to a grinding halt. Take a Five lets you…
Yes! They’ve done this for a while, and with the new policy, even items on are eligible for price matching with other stores.