
I hate Southwest. Years ago I got there 2 hours early, sat right by the gate. About an hour into waiting, a line started to form. No idea why people are forming a line. No law says you have to make a line. I was there first so *&^ you all. I hope that boarding processed has changed!

There must be a reason they market Lego as kits. I’ve only seen pieces sold at the Lego store and even then they have notes as to what kit they belong to - as in extra pieces for your kit. I almost bought like 500 1x2’s, but you actually need various sizes they do not carry in the same color.

Whole Foods apparently is the holy shrine to the pseudo-science of foods, although I have never stepped foot in one. I avoid buying foods with labels that make no sense if given the choice.

Resolution and FPS don’t tell you about the video quality. What about bit rates, file compression, video formats?

On the weekends I turn on music from the Disney Parks and do home improvement projects using the same design elements used in the resorts. When I walk into my master bathroom now, I feel like I’m in a hotel room.

Chromecast does not work on hotel WiFi. You need to bring your own router. Not something I feel like doing on vacation.

I agree - I can’t remember the last time I used duct tape for anything. When I taped some ducts recently, I had to REMOVE duct tape before using the correct tape!!

Does this work with minute rice?

I’ve gotten MORE afraid of heights despite climbing ladders numerous times. I’m constantly trying to figure out ways to get on and off my roof, tired of seeing YouTube videos of people just jumping on and off like it’s nothing.

So no word yet on how to do a clean install? Example, I plan on buying an SSD and installing 10 on that. That way I can still go back where all my apps are installed and configured if I need to.

Must be nice to live near the ones you love.

The question is bad in that it assumes you have some relevant weakness in your chosen choice of career. The key is relevance. The best answer must be irrelevant to the job functions, or why would you even apply for a job you’re not the best at?? Hi I’m here because I meet MOST of your job requirements? No. Just say: I

What is the bad way to wrap a cord? I don’t do the elbow thing because it’s too big. I just wrap mine in loops and they never get tangled. I don’t do this funky twist to get the “under,” unless it’s happening and I don’t realize it.

I wonder how many ex-smokers are picking up vaping.

This is more like spam than anything.

Now the auto insurance industry has a new scam where they require you to go get your car inspected. So in 6 months when your premium goes up $100, you will probably just pay it and avoid the hassle of getting a new quote and having to go get your car inspected again.

This is good for video podcasts, where you want the video downloaded for say the office, but not in the car driving. YouTube needs this feature!

My rabbit cost $50 a year. This chart is nonsense. Don’t keep these animals inside glass boxes. They need air. And if you keep them inside, no one will want to visit your smelly house.

This requires me to put pants on and go outside?

I thought we were done with labels. Introvert & Extrovert are not useful classifications either. It makes it hard (or annoying) to read articles and books about personality!