
Because evaluating which candidate has the best tax plan and whether or not it’s okay to beat somebody and post the video to Facebook do not take the same amount of cognitive power.

Oh fuck off with all the fawning bullshit about Manning already. Manning betrayed his fellow service members while negligently releasing over 750,000 documents, any one of which could’ve contained information that endangered fellow soldiers. It’s a wonder those releases didn’t result in any operations getting

I really don’t have a grasp as to why, beyond that generally some students supported the switch around and thought Weinstein’s objections/email was racist.

Yeah, I don’t think the article did a great job of explaining this. Normally the “day of absence” involved only minorities. This year one of the advisors decided to flip it and wanted white students and professors to stay home instead.

As a career officer you should know that the majority of the force is white and come from middle class families

The article specifically states they recovered a knife:

Clearly police should always wait until they’re shot at before responding with lethal force. This is a good policy and nothing could ever go wrong.

While I don’t support this, it’s not without precedence. The original GI bill required a buy in, the post 9/11 GI bill, the current one, did away with that requirement.

Pretty much this. I know we all hate Trump, but this analysis is garbage.

You say the uptick is due to ”...a misogynistic culture that has been unchanged for years.” Which implies this is a problem unique to military academies, how exactly do the military academies compare in their sexual assaults numbers to your average college?