
Im a big Skagen watch fan, but this one is affordable and looks awesome

Im a big Skagen watch fan, but this one is affordable and looks awesome

Safe to say he might be experiencing some Malayse after this one

So are we talking actual extra pillows, or is there a chance some hotels might send up a hooker? Please say yes to both.

It’s a trap!

Daaaaaaaaaaaamn Nathaniel! Back it again with the widespread panic.

What’s really to stop this from continuing to happen when they always get paid leave whenever they kill someone or use excessive force?

“Men, let this be a warning to you all. If we find you out there killing people, violently beating minors, and assaulting the elderly, you will be dealt with swiftly! Were you

You are my hero

+1 for subtle bestiality

Why is swallowing gum considered more gross than any other mashed up mess of food you’ve chewed the recommended 30-50 times? Food is basically liquid shit after 20 chews, which if you ask me is worse because of the less pleasant flavor profiles that would be attached to said liquid shit chewed food.

A big mistake we men tend to make is failing to do their research, as I did with this one woman I went on two dates with. I met her through a friend who worked at a popular chain coffee restaurant. I was there to say hit to my friend one afternoon when this girl walked in that was pretty attractive. This girl and my

One of the eggs is hatching right now!

Just LOOK at Pikachu Libre.

It is no coincidence that “Magikarp” in an anagram for “Rap G Kami

Guess you could say they got...

Even the Happiest Place on Earth™ can’t wash the pain away.

I would like to address this directly to TSUUDB:

Please go, and please go NOW. Leave. I don’t know you, nor do I know a thing about your life, but this is a situation that is a special kind of dangerous for you. You are being cornered by a predator, and you are very VERY close to being pinned by a life-threatening