In case you're still super duper against the Facebook Messenger app (which I kind of am), you can use Paper which has messages built-in. Some of us are really persnickety about our smartphone homescreens!
In case you're still super duper against the Facebook Messenger app (which I kind of am), you can use Paper which has messages built-in. Some of us are really persnickety about our smartphone homescreens!
Would love something like this for the Jawbone UP. Hopefully in some future update/copycat-ish app!
Wasn't Kelly accused of some form of sexual assault at some point recently?
I'm but a lurker, but this post struck a major chord in me so I HAD to comment.
For me, drafts are crucial because I often start an email and don't finish it until later, or sometimes I'm writing an email on the subway so I'd like to close the app and reopen it later when I have service. Not being able to just close the email and save it as a draft seems like a huge oversight to me.
The continuing lack of drafts in Mailbox drives me totally crazy. For that, I'm still a Gmail app guy.
This is correct - it's how I do it.
At this point, can't we just all come together as a nation and just tell The Simpsons to look at the flowers, honey, just look at the flowers?
Oh hey, super simple actually. Very nice!
I do more and more of my shopping through Amazon and have had nothing but pretty great experiences with their customer service, shipping etc. Because of that and the streaming, I'm pretty sure I'll be keeping it, for now.
I could've sworn they tweeted something about working on a matching iPad client, but I haven't heard much yet. And I agree with not giving them any grief, it's just on my wishlist! They make some great apps and clearly put some love into them.
Now we just need ourselves a matching iPad app and all will be well with the world.
But where does Dawes fall on this chart?
You all can destroy your tissues all you want, but I'm going to sit here and just laugh at Chris Kattan falling backwards and yelling "MY WEINER!" for awhile. NOT REPRESSING ANY ACTUAL EMOTIONS HERE, NOPE!
Re: Game of Thrones - Hmm... if you buy this Kindle bundle of Books 1-4 and the 5th book separately, it's about $.60 cheaper by my math. Literally pennies, but hey. :)
I'll answer my own nitpicking question in case it's useful for anyone else: the app uses iOS7's dynamic font sizes (for now). Source: Tweetbot 3 FAQ
I thought that maybe I should start using the official Twitter app since I didn't want to pay again for the iPad version, but I cracked faster than an egg at brunch.
Yep, I use the Switcheasy Tones on the recommendation of the Wirecutter. I figure if I get bored or miss the look I can take it out of the case for a little bit - don't see the big deal of using a case at least some of the time.
Oh if I had a dollar for every time I did this... I'd have at least like, 11 dollars.
I was really excited that Pixies released a new track, and then I listened to the new Pixies track.