
Really? I’ve disagreed with a majority of the things enacted during his tenure, but this was genuinely an enjoyable episode to watch. Politics aside, Obama seems like the guy you would want to sit down with a beer with.

I think what he’s saying is that Kylo is already emo and that we are already aware of that. Having a user name “emo Klyo Rem” not only implies that there is a “non emo Kylo Rem” out there but does make it sort of redundant. So we’re not calling the grass greener, we’re just calling the grass green because it’s the

We can appreciate a cool picture and an aircraft’s aesthetics even if we think it is the wrong choice for our forces.

So it looks its best dressed up like the un-stealthy aircraft it was designed to replace. Got it.

They did... They posted renders somewhere...

For fat Americans that need to lug all their shit around. Looks about right.

That sounded nothing like Nickelback.

This one x 10

Reversible cast iron grill/griddle. So much usefulness for so cheap.

Fuck Vimeo. If you take down a 2006 movie because of a claim by a 2015 movie then you should not be allowed to run a video hosting site.

So that’s what $350 million looks like going sideways.

Amazon drone.

I only post really stupid shit or moderately hostile comments and I’m ungrey. I have, literally, nothing to offer.

I just noticed Jez is following me now. I will be phasing through all the categories as I get my drunk on tonight in celebration :)

Now playing

Chevrolet’s 1957 “Task Force ‘57” advertisement is my favorite. They drove a fleet of their trucks, personal and commercial, up Alaska’s Alcan Run.

“Who puts their hand by a wheel when it’s moving at 45mph or so MPH”
people who use selfie sticks.

So, was anyone else totally buying this story until the L. Ron Hubbard model?

Thanks to pop media stereotypes, Russian Billionaires always scare me - this sort of lunacy has only reinforced my fears.

Maybe Wei Hou is a code name for Westinghouse, the company that makes the TV. (Conspiracy theories already brewing in my head)