
Ammendment: "please visit where you do not purchase books for your kindle app, wink wink"

Is kindle an open API? Maybe an unofficial app in cydia.

Thanks Matt for an excellent article. Looks like the courts are the only way that apple will reverse this new policy.

For long term storage, charge to 80%, wrap in plastic bag, and place in fridge.

Hmm, not going to prevent anyone from jailbreaking. Just going force people to use something other than ibooks . gasp

Seems to be compatible with the kinect.

Same app is available on ios.

Reminds me of an episode of Stargate SG1. A localized virus was created, then an accidental correlative update took down the whole network.

oh wow, a few days ago I thought I remembered it having the new template.

Yep, helps corporate know which stores get more money for expansion.

Your right, he's missing a Tshirt in his design !

They can demand it. If you refuse, the computer will not complete the transaction. I've seen many people argue over giving their zipcode until the operator just enters one at random for them.

They have patents already to put those sensors and cameras INSIDE the screen.

Destruction of evidence = admission of guilt?

Phones, yes. Consoles, not yet.

Before this didn't people just use Amazon payments for small transactions?

Does sound lame when you put it that way.

They have been talking gestures to replace the home button in ios 4.3. Loss of bezel would be very interesting.