
Yes, it works, but it goes against the TOS on just about every service. #googlevoice

I never use the search bar. It always leaves behind the text from your last search. I like it clean and empty.

New link, new name

@Wayne Riddle: Remove the s from https or create exception for the security certificate.

Anyone know the tab switch shortcut?

Guess I won't be buying SC2 after all. Same reason I don't own a single steam game.

Thought I was having an F5 complex waiting for this page to be posted...

Need one of these to blast away that weak sheet covering your prize.

Use a credit card to apply the sticker without bubbles. Use a pin to pop the air out of any remaining.

@winshape: I was thinking the same thing. Integrating a barcode reader is exactly what a site like this needs.

@gyffes: The transfer process for me reset all my settings to default. Go back into settings and select all the email and sms notifications again.

@Phil_768: @shinchan: Are you doing something special to increase the speed of your mouse? I have a usb ms intellimouse explorer 3.0 and even at the maximum settings it is too slow. One screen to the next is no less than 4 inches.

mapquest gets people lost. I took the same trip, point A to point B. First round was with directions from google maps, stuck me to main roads and got me there without headache. Second round was with mapquest. I don't even know where I ended up or how I got to where I was going (2 hours late).

I have been using this for years now. It is a great app. Looks scary and complicated, but it really is straight forward.

@Brenex: I too was thinking of this while I was reading the article. Even if it doesn't know where you are, it knows where you aren't. By subtracting where you were from where your not, it can determine where you are.

Reason Nintendo left it out of the wii was obviously to make it more profitable. Didn't want to license the dvd player.

Just finished my <$300 build. Assembly was painless and XBMC LiveUSB V2 runs all hardware as expected with default settings. Only the remote required configuration, needed the [lircd.conf] file updated. please?

It installs in SP3 for me, but it just installs. It doesn't ask any questions about learning or setting up the mic. I see the entry on the start menu 'Windows Speech Recognition Macros.' Running this shows a blank blue window and a system tray icon with identical functions. The macro folder is empty so I tried to