Bure realizes that by objecting strenuously when she wasn’t even named, she’s completely outed herself here, right?
Bure realizes that by objecting strenuously when she wasn’t even named, she’s completely outed herself here, right?
Amazing Racists, likely.
I agree. I understand why the prosecutor thinks they couldn’t get her on murder, and since Florida’s manslaughter statutes allow for a LOT of jail time, I’m not sure their decision wasn’t the right one. But all of us out here in the common-sense non-legal real world can probably agree that she’d been dreaming about it…
“If she didn’t like living in that neighbourhood, she should have just moved”. Did I get that correct, right wing dipshits?
It’s going to be amazing when he rips his mask off to reveal that he was Sacha Baron Cohen all along.
No one said it was supposed to be offensive. The point is that the GOP claims to love America so much more than anyone else but they’re just a bunch of clueless idiots who can’t even get the fucking flag right.
Oh hell, you don’t even have to go to the fundamentalist compound. Just visit any one of nearly fifty thousand churches in the Southern Baptist Convention, which expels churches who dare to demand female pastors while protecting the male pastors who turn out to be child abusers. Just like Jesus intended.
Every American who a) knows there’s a country named Liberia and b) knows what the Liberian flag looks like won’t vote Republican. Really, I don’t know why they deleted the tweet.
“Do you want me to vote?”
Yeah but without any of the charisma or even a memorable pet.
How shocking; the guy with zero understanding of empathy believes that you need to be related to someone to care about their future. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m rooting for Zuckerberg. Knock this piece of shit the fuck out, Mark.
What about people whose children have all disowned them?
Elon Musk is a dumb bitch with a breeding kink so of course he thinks this.
If these turds are concerned about trafficked and sexually abused kids, go visit any Christian fundamentalist compound or any Catholic Church. Those places are ground zero for that shit.
I am so sick of this QAnon turd, his grifter buddy, and the “conservative media” pushing propaganda. The kids actually in danger of being trafficked are kids these jackasses would cross the street to avoid. Let’s talk about why queer and trans teens are statistically more likely to be homeless - and how that leads…
Republicans: Protect our kids!
I’m sorry to here that Jimmy Caviezel is nuttier than squirrel shit.
Well, except for they dismissed earlier complaints about her behavior. They simply viewed a white woman harassing minority children as a neighborhood “feud”.
Whoa, whoa, let’s not go too far. Sane people: get out. Let’s quarantine all the racists and loonies there though.