
I’ve seen discussions about Blake and how he didn’t listen, he turned his back, didn’t comply, could have been going in his car for a weapon etc.....ok. We’ve all seen the footage. Lets for a minute, go with the idea that the officer thought he was reaching for a weapon and quickly thinking through all his training

Must be mentioned that the Milwaukee Bucks have a player, Sterling Brown, who was beaten and tased by cops during a stop a couple of years ago. The reason for the encounter? He illegally parked in an empty parking lot. As soon as they realized he was an NBA player their tone changed considerably. 

Seems like a weird time to be critical of a headline mistake, but luckily Blake has survived his being shot by corrupt police so thankfully he wasn’t murdered by them.

It’s absolutely not your fucking job, you delusional piece of shit. Apparently he used to work as a life guard at the local Y, but even if that’s what he’s referring to, life guards tend to not carry AR-15s as part of the job.

So on Monday, a couple that waved their guns at protestors were given a prominent speaking slot at the RNC, and at Tuesday somebody brought a gun to a protest and killed some people.

Of course he did. If you deputize them, it ruins your plausible deniability.

Unsurvivable storm surge

This fully armed boy had 3 cops roll past him after killing two people, during the curfew they were claiming to enforce, and not even a single tear gas spray was directed his way. White America’s sons of anger get to kill people with the state’s seal of approval.

Turns out the 17 year old murderer was front and fucking center at a Trump rally in January. Because of fucking course. 

Despite being cancelled and having their voices silenced by the radical Left these Conservatives really do seem incapable of shutting the fuck up.

Yep. I still want to punch that shit-eating grin off this kid's face.

“I learned what was happening to me—it was called being canceled,” Sandmann recalled

“Cancel culture” is perpetuated by a bunch of people who expected, because of their station in life, to be able to say whatever they want and be met with, at most, respectful, muted pushback from other people in similar stations; instead, they are met with straightforward, rude pushback from the plebs of the

bad feminist Roxane Gay appeared in a video for Reuters

Eric smiles like someone who has to be coached how to smile, every time, even as an adult.

Come to Daddy...

Their lack of self awareness is cringe worthy

Nikki Haley serving some modernized Dolores Umbridge realness.

Nah, Pam Bondi (bribe recipient) had quite a bit to say about how nepotism is bad.  Also at the RNC, all five Trump children give speeches to say, “Thanks daddy!”