
I don’t think that’s fair - I have friends who went through a years-long messy, expensive divorce and the things Mom told the kids about Dad were horrendous and false. Years later, as young adults, they told Dad about those things and managed (somehow) to restore their relationship. But it wasn’t without years of

The only kid who knew a life with Angie before Brad is Maddox. They were already together when she adopted Zahara, and Brad officially adopted M & Z the next year.  The massive family was a team effort.

The picture of the Jolie/Pitt Children reminded me of Umbrella Academy. If one of them starts looking gorilla-ish, someone might want to do some sort on intervention.

My brain is similar to yours - if I didn’t see the point of doing something and I could still ace every test, homework was an exercise in futility.

Wow, the degree of not getting the point of your comment is high on this thread.

Ugh I will never understand these people who don’t understand how elections and democracy work. I have several family members who voted “Leave” in Brexit and were then absolutely shocked when it actually happened. They’d thought they were just protest voting, whatever the fuck that even means - as it implies that you

To show that as long as men think they’re superior to women only because of what hangs between their legs, then they are itching to be taken advantage of. For it is their arrogance and false sense of superiority that will blind their defenses.

I have two potted plants, Rapunzel and his offshoot, Sonpunzel, and both are more interesting in every way than Pence could ever dream of.

These people are exhausting.

Trump is on TV distancing himself from this.  So looks like Bannon is going to be flapping in the breeze.  Trump of course knows nothing about the wall project.

That sounds about right. I once made the mistake of trying to convince her that Donald Trump lies all the time. She demanded an example of ONE lie. I thought the easiest one was Trump’s assertion that his father was born in Germany. The birth certificate is available online and clearly shows that Fred Trump was born

There is no doubt Trump will have Barr dismiss the charges, but they need to wait until after charges are all formally laid out, and any all other associated suspects are charged.

Ooh, I used to know somebody who donated to that wall fund.

I’m definitely hoping that Bannon and his cronies are punished, but I also hope that none of the money gets returned to the donors.

Friendly reminder that Trump won in Michigan by 2 votes per precinct. Let’s be responsible who we vote for this November because we’re only starting to see the beginning of just how ridiculous this administration can get. If you think voting third party this year will make a difference when most people can’t even

The evolution of Barack Obama over the years mirrors the psychological state of the nation. He has gone from hopeful when setting out in his first term in 2008, to disillusioned from 2012 to 2016 and now he is in a total state of despair. Man’s so fed up his eyes went a little misty during that speech and he looked

Nah, Pence isn’t more electable. Pence doesn’t inspire the cult devotion that Trump does. If Pence takes over, he’ll be this generation’s Gerald Ford.

Such a good point.  I never realized, until Trump, that our whole system of government is pretty much based on the honor system.

The thing is, if Trump were just a little less incompetent, had a little more self-control, and were able to even feign a hint of normal human empathy, we’d already be well on our way to an authoritarian dictatorship. That there is even a reasonable chance that Trump will be booted out of office after just four years

Both Obamas’ speeches the last couple of days—and Trump’s response to them—remind me that this campaign season will likely be the densest and most consistent string of criticism Trump has ever faced. Yes, of course he’s been criticized nonstop since he entered the political fray—but now it’s a campaign where he’s the