
I should have maybe added that /s at the end after all. 

I think it shows exactly how the GOP sees Black voters. “If we run Kanye, it will make Biden lose because Black people love Kanye.”

Does the management realize they can remote work, too? I once worked an office job that was so top heavy it nearly fell over, and management was dumb ... so maybe I just answered my own question.

My place of work has pulled that bullshit of calling us a “family” a couple of times as well. I’m tempted to ask if they mean that more in the Mafia or in the Manson sense of the term.

these policies are really wishes rooted in magical thinking—the idea if we get back to “normal” as quickly as possible, the pesky coronavirus problem will be solved.

“Jenny, you are showing too much skin and it is making the boys and Mr. Boner-in-class too agitated during lessons. We are going to need to single you out, attempt to shame you, stuff you in a ugly and poorly cleaned sweatshirt and, if you resist any of this, call your parents to stop what they are doing and

Despite recommendations from CDC health officials, the district has called mask-wearing a “personal choice” and said that social distancing “will not be possible to enforce” in “most cases.” While the school provided teachers with face shields and masks and encouraged staff and students to wear them, they are not

Unrelated question from a Gen Xer.


I’ve not understood the Jezz’s thinking for, well, fucking years of frequenting these blogs but their pure vitriol towards Pelosi has never made sense to me.

As negotiations over the next coronavirus relief bill drag on, our elected officials appear to primarily be sparring over a difference of $200 or so:

Apparently, it was a jab at the old man claiming to be healthy. Biden wasn’t my first choice either, but to paraphrase Rummy,
You go to vote with the candidate you have, not the candidate you might want or wish to have at a later time.

The last time I sent Biden $15, I received this gif.

Yeah, I don’t get the snark over Biden (and the DNC) being — y’know — fucking responsible by not having a bunch of people all in one location for no good reason to have a convention, especially when Milwaukee trends for COVID-19 are heading in the wrong direction... am I missing something?

This is Jezebel.  They’re still so ‘anyone but Biden’ that anything he does is going to get bashed.  If he went to the convention, the article would cover the total irresponsibility of that action, but since he isn’t going to the convention, we aren’t going to discuss the responsible nature of that action, no, we’ll

Biden has been into Corvettes for decades, even a cursory search would show that. Hell, he even did an episode of Jay Leno’s Garage about it.

As someone much younger than Joe, but much older than you, I am impressed he can still drive a Corvette. Is it silly? Sure, but it’s very hard to imagine Trump even fitting in a Corvette, much less driving one, especially one with a manual transmission.

That’s a gorgeous car. I’m sorry you feel the need to belittle someone’s joy in the world. 

In an interview with Fox and Friends today, President Trump said the coronavirus “will go away like things go away,” falsely claiming children are “almost immune” to covid-19.

I can’t stop laughing at that linked Business Insider article covering this story. They shade the type of Lambo he chose to buy: