
I agree with you on this one. We’re absolutely not all “ in this together” when it comes to comfort in isolation (both physical and financial), but people are allowed to feel how they feel (e.g., Ellen) and people are allowed to put their foot in their mouth and have it not become long-term tabloid fodder.

I realised yesterday when I looked at my huge pile of shoes that I haven’t worn anything but sweats or lounge pants in a month which means I’ve been in slippers as well. Luckily I have collections of both lounge pants and slippers so I can mix it up when I need a change. I do not look forward to going back to work in

If I need to appear on camera or go outside, I just throw on a sweatshirt and call it a bra. 

I had this discussion with my friends last week—Carole laughs at awkward times and in places where one could say “she’s a heartless bastard who killed her husband cos look how she laughed”. We all agreed that she just had a different reaction to things and maybe that’s her default response to stress.

My friend told me to follow her a while ago and it hasn’t been a disappointment. She lives locally to where I grew up, so I get to see the outside in the form of “local” greenery but also her posts are at times funny and at times interesting otherwise.

Do you think Larry was just a regular egg in that clutch of golden ones? He’s a key Hemsworth brother.

Maybe cut up a few ghost peppers before the punch.


Love it! I did costuming in college (and before) and am right there with you with it might not be the best details, but it looks damn good to everyone else. We’re doing an “emergency” zoom tonight cos we’re all losing it a bit and now I’m thinking I may need to dress up a litte! (Of course we’ll see how functional I

They look like tarantulas (I think, I’m not googling to confirm) but they’re def fun!

I have a weekly Zoom date with one group of friends. We all have our cocktails and at some point discuss an episode of Tiger King (one friend is recapping it on his Patreon but we discuss for free). If people don’t get drunk or fall asleep, we try to play a game. It’s actually helping me feel connected during all

Ditto. I assumed it was Diddy (which I almost wrote Ditty, I too am old and confused).

Sorry that I have no idea who Draya is. I listen to Lizzo regularly and dig her music but have no idea who the other woman is. I also have no idea what songs they’re dancing to cos the sound quality is shit but Lizzo didn’t looked pissed, she had an “oh shit” look on her face when he called her out.

From the Lizzo/Diddy video, I see that once the language in the song starts getting salty, he puts the kibbosh on it. Even Lizzo gets that and offers her radio-friendly song instead. Not everything is a slight to someone. The  other woman backing that ass up was not doing it to a beeped song.

Your comment brought me back to the GIF and now I’m smiling again. 

Good luck with the isolation parenting! My friend (SAHM to two kids, husband working from home) and I had a long convo yesterday about how we’re all losing it in our own ways for our own reasons. I’m single and live alone in a 1-bedroom apartment, she’s got two kids and a husband and lives in a house with a yard and

I don’t know or care what you’re responding to. Star solely for the Gifblum.

Like implying that we’d be in worse shape? Is that even possible? I hate people.

I was having this conversation with a couple of parent friends yesterday. I don’t have a child in this game, but all of my friends who do have kids have said pretty much the same thing—that parenting 24/7 is hard. No sending the kid to swim lessons or school or daycare for a day of freedom.

I made beer bread cos I was desperate for bread and can’t find yeast anywhere to save my life. I think tonight I may make a starter since the beer bread wasn’t quite what I wanted so sourdough it is!