Cakes, Pies, Lies

Cheeto licker. I like that. I’m going to add it to my daily vocabulary. Thank you.

Actually it’s about ethics in games journalism.

There are a bunch of Duggar facebook page moderator creeps who are demanding (LOLOLOL) that anti-Duggar commenters confess their sins. They are also performing facebook “exorcisms” because everyone’s hearts are filled with Satan. They send their wives into the comments to bait people and then show up to white knight

*swoon* Oh my goodness, I’m not going to get any work done today. That website is marvelous.

Old Navy has been killing it with the plus sizes lately. I just bought these linen dress pants that are so comfy and classy. I have to try really hard not to wear them every day. The shoes are great too, I am especially fond of the marsala colored ankle boots I bought from ON last year.

Yes! This! Points!

Thank you for asking. I am alright, I just have a husband who occasionally has poor interpersonal skills and is projecting his own health fears onto my food choices.

Tawny is doing the public a great service by sharing her experience. I had a bad sunburn on my back as a teen, and by my early 20s I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. I am missing hunks of skin on my back where the cancerous spots were removed. I have a derm visit every year and they are still finding spots

Thank you. I love your name and picture! Huge Sifl and Olly fan over here. I can quote entire episodes by heart. Crescent Fresh!

One of my coworkers was like this. Raw milk, vegan, all the health foods and exercise. Amazing physique from all the farm work he did at home. He rolled his own cigarettes and smoked all day long.

On Monday, I was having an especially hard morning (my boss/close friend got an awesome new job in another state and announced that she’s leaving in a month). So my husband drove me to get an iced tea while I cried in the car. As we are pulling away from the coffee hut, he sez “I’m not trying to start a fight or

She looks like Gozer the Gozerian and Dana/Zuul rolled into one.

I vacillated on the purchase for months. Garner Style rocked these a while ago, then they were out of stock, but now they are back so they are mine all mine!

“Ever do that thing where you hate someone SO much that you seduce them just to see how limitless a human you can be? That’s how I feel about these shoes.”

Dia&Co doesn’t have links yet - it is a “mention my name” deal. Does Kinja have messaging? I’ll send it to you.

The Intimates box recently added sizes through 44DD/XXL/20, and I’m at the top of that range. I haven’t been disappointed so far - the hosiery and tanks are awesomesauce.

Yay! I love Wantable! I have been getting their makeup and accessories boxes since September 2013. They have come a long way since they started. Are you planning to try the Style box? I use Dia&Co now, but I’m thinking about changing to Wantable.

Concern trolling skills need work. No points for you.

This is happening to me, too. I ordered the April box on the 4th and it is still in “packing” phase... along with the May box. Agree with the comment above, though, it is awesome to get back-to-back boxes!

This is also what is happening to my Glossybox. I will get April’s box the first week in May, and the May box a week after that. I have gone whole month with no boxes and I’m having cranky white spoiled first-world lady problems. Gimme mah boxes!