
The second crime, after paying 15 large for a 17 year old XJ, would be to not use it as it was intended to be used.

This should donated to a rehabilitative trade school before that drivetrain pukes because then it’s just parts yard fodder.

I’m generally in favor of building on a cheap Jeep foundation but that’s not for the faint of heart (nor faint of wallet/time), so for a adventure virgin with a non-pocket-sized furry friend and who is jumping from a Mini, a 5-10 year old Tacoma would be a no-brainer.

Did this happen after The Trumpkin got snubbed??

Pickups doing 99.9% grocery getting...

So these sensors are the toupee of the auto world and automakers need to go Bruce Willis/Jason Statham on their otherwise conspicuous sensor “bald spots”. Gotcha.

I’m a work from home software engineer and remain satisfied with the value, performance, and space savings of my Lifetime 4428 table+Ergodriven Spark laptop/keyboard riser+Walmart memory foam-like mat. So far, it doesn’t feel like false economy and my neck and feet wouldn’t hesitate to inform me if my ergonomics were

I’m a work from home software engineer and remain satisfied with the value, performance, and space savings of my

Alternative theories regarding that article:

Da fuq? You’re justifying absurd and reactionary behavior by law enforcement. That’s the type of BS that encourages sadistic abuse of power.

More than likely this is really about:

If anything, that’s something socialists understand very well.

Any proposal like this should be required to have a list of reality checks to establish the authors and supporters have been properly informed, or at least cannot claim ignorance.

Curious if there are interior dimensional differences on the U.S. spec trucks compared to their overseas counterparts?

My hand-me-down ‘87 back in ‘97 would like to have a word with you.