
oh man, this deserves cotd but it won’t get it because it’s not pc enough.

huh, crazy violent people in france, wonder who it might be attacking random innocents on the street.

but that’s not a seaplane, it’s a sea-HELICOPTER with a multi push prop drive system. still not the future. kinda cool, but also similar to about 5or 6 other craft out there and not the most impressive of the bunch.

I still don’t understand the issue here. somehow the boat is encroaching on someone elses yard? it’s at a dock. in the water. at least 20 ft from any property other than the dock.

why are we celebrating violence against cops ITT?

except that a lot of the land would, as has been mentioned, spring back once the weight of billions upon billions of tons of ice were removed.

as a contractor with some inside knowledge on this. your biggest problem? the same couple companies get the jobs and they all operate the same way. overestimate time frame for completion and then just sit on the job collecting a paycheck. and there doesn’t seem to be any sort of checks on them or encouragement to get

Was trying to make some high grade, expensive, big weapons to drop on isis

Instructions unclear, got dick stuck in scanner.

The silly thing is that the general that greenlit the strike was given okay to use the moab without presidential approval, by Obama. Trump wasn’t even the one that ordered it. The other silly thing is that I’m back in grey because I pissed of jezebel with facts. Not my fault they keep pushing into my jalop recommends

my family never had nice things and I never got to buy anything with any money I saved from doing chores because I never got most of it and what little I did get my mom always stole back, because she wanted to teach her son that no matter how hard you work, people will always fuck you over or steal your shit. also,

how the hell do you mistake a tazer shot for a gunshot? this is what happens when you know nothing about guns. in that space everyone would be too deaf to hear anyone yelling “shooter”.

why the fuck would you tell people, much less just hand it over to the cops? it’s been missing and no one has missed it, now it’s gonna sit in an evidence locker for the rest of eternity while court battles are fought over ownership. melt it down into smaller bars, cash it in, or hold onto them for a rainy day.

hey felton, go the fuck back to jezebel. crime rates are higher in those neighborhoods, you leave that out intentionally so you can claim racism. JEZEBEL GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY JALOP REEEEEEEEEEE.

here’s my question, then where the hell do I go to do shit like this? I don’t want to go to a drift event to learn, and I don’t want to go compete. I just want to have fun and slide my car around a bit. guess it’s the mean streets then. fuck all the pomp, circumstance, bureaucracy, and tight assedness strangling car

JEZEBEL GET OUT OF MY JALOP RECOMMENDATIONS GOD DAMN IT. this cesspit is not news, this cesspit is irrational and ridiculous, this cesspit has not one similarity to my jalop content and needs to gtfo. I could be getting recommended something on f1 instead I get this tripe.

EU is EW

well isn’t that just the epitome of societal decay and degeneracy. also why do I keep seeing the jezebel cesspit recommended on my jalop? gtfo, make jalop great again.

I’m still on jalop right? Or did I stray into the menstrual cesspool that is jezebel?

Cut your hair and get a job you damn hippy. Gonna bring back that sentence.