
This whole article is excellent. it’s like an informative and well thought out slap in my aloof face after reading something silly from Torch, or something I didn’t really feel like reading but that clickbait tho. Very well done article.

stepper motors, my 3d printer sounds similar.

maybe? I’d have to have a choice of kit cars that I can build however I want and can work on. but yeah, I’d love a DD that I never have to pay thousands to fix.

looks to me like there’s a low road back there... could just be the top of a work van. little ac bubble in the back. I don’t see any wheels so it’s either just the top of something or someone figured out hovercars finally.

I’m gonna have to go with crack pipe. “ran when it was parked” yeah right.

I tried snapchat, I just didn’t give a shit enough to take my phone out, film something, and then send it to people that weren’t there. what’s the fucking purpose when I could have been involved in whatever the thing was? like I just don’t give a shit enough to be constantly on my phone either plastering myself all

Seriously, man what a complete clusterfuck Top Gear turned into. Well played on the boys for not rushing a shit product to market like BBC did. Very much looking forward to The Grand Tour.

the city wouldn’t do next gen graphics justice, and if you properly rendered the streets you’d find you could never drive the fancy cars in the game anywhere. there’s a reason it’s all trucks.

outta clean out that police department.

OH HEY, it’s that minor detail that I knew was missing. the cyclist got a ticket, got mad, and used any little bit of influence to screw some people over. fucking scumbag.

oh good, the british are absolutely losing their shit as well so we won’t have the typical, “those americans are quite fucking retarded aren’t they” shtick going on. we’re all quite fucked aren’t we?

that’s his office, not his house.

see, this is why I do my own work. how horrifying.

ooooooohhhhh my. on the one hand, kudos for more jobs in mexico and hopefully good jobs that help bring some stability.... on the other hand... I don’t know what that build quality is going to be like and it makes me worried. it’s entirely dependant on what BMW pays the workers. see the thing a lot of businesses don’t

that bear is dangerous, it doesn’t give a fuck about people.

I didn’t believe it. I googled it. it’s real. are you kidding me? is this really what we need to be spending legislative hours on? is this really a serious enough problem? I can’t even with the level of insanity that has been reached in the world. governments are now dictating how you open doors. frankly I find that

awww, the front end was so close to being perfect. needed to be just a little more type 65 at the bottom and sides around the front wheels.

I stopped reading anything coming out of seeking alpha about a year ago. there is so much pump and dump tactics and generally skeezy behavior on there that you can’t trust almost anything coming out of there. I would not be surprised to learn that several people from there were behind the fake complaints.

“struggles to constructively and professionally respond to negative feedback.” what? it was bogus negative feedback 37/40 used false information, i.e. were perjury for any of the posters if used in a legal setting and slander/defamation in a more general sense. that statistic matched with neidermeenerneener or