That Australian Girl

Really though? The man has always been nuts. This is not news.

Leave Brittany alone!!!!

Nope! No adult man is ever the “vulnerable” victim “driven” by his “underage sidepiece”.

I think PMK’s machine is working overtime to get them ready for a break from Kanye. It won't happen immediately because they have to look like they tried to save him, but mental breakdown isn't good for the brand long-term.

I’m replying to you because I am sure this Jess person will dismiss my post, and I think it’s important for people reading through these comments to understand this:

Mah butt

everyone involved should go to jail, imo

Of course 1) I’m stupid 2) I once smothered him with a pillow while he slept only to give up when I realized he wasn't going to push me off but rather just continue to lay there like an idiot and die.

This is all I can think of.

Ye is shocked that someone only makes $370 a day. If that’s a typical working stiff, that’s a pre-tax $96,000 a year which is much higher than median income in the US.

He also said that instead of building a school in Africa, rich Americans should support his art so I have trouble taking that turn around seriously.

So, Carol is really female version of Carl.

They’re still in shock from discovering Béyoncé’s black.

“Pimp My Butterfly”

They are both really killing it in very different ways. Taylor is reminding me of what I will never be able to pull off as a larger chested woman :(

Kanyes’s new line is um, interesting.

I thought it was a phenomenal episode. Well, except when Abraham and company saved Glenn with a spray of machine gun fire. Then I was like, really? All those bullets, and nothing hit Glenn? Not even a graze?

Am I terrible? I plan on watching the Sam Gets Eaten scene again because the first watch just filled me with glee. I’m not a kid hater in real life, but that Sam kid was (!) the worst.

Rice cakes with crunchy peanut butter.