That Australian Girl

I just posted something similar above. That statement speaks volumes.

I think part of Kink’s statement says it all really:

Most strict gun laws in the world? LOL

They are incredible, so much better than the normal caramel ones!

Yay Friday! Your roll sounds delicious, I’m munching on these.

The texting thing KILLS ME. It’s so damn rude. I am friends with a married couple who text fight in front of everyone whenever they drink, it's so uncomfortable.

If I walked in to a meeting with a presentation like this I’d be laughed out of the room.

Oh yeah that’s right! Come to think of it, everyone involved is pretty suspicious. It’s a shame we’ll probably never know what actually happened.

I mean, if Adnan didn’t do it then Jay is the only other person who could have committed it, given all the info he gave police. And if Adnan did do it, Jay had to be involved somehow.

What the fuck is a Taylee?

Oh man, I wish we could see her response, because you know it would be hilarious.

Sure thing, sugar tits.

Yeah, it totally sucks when you are forced to read posts you aren't interested in, instead of scrolling right past them.

Thank you to everyone for your kind words!

Oh lord that sounds awful! I’m already having trouble sleeping because I can only fall asleep on my side or my stomach but my boobs are SO SORE

Someone needs to bottle that scent

My best friend had a baby 8 months ago and was always saying how much she loved being pregnant. She was the first person (besides my partner) that I told. I mentioned that I really wasn’t enjoying it that much and she told me she actually hated being pregnant but was too afraid to say anything other than she loved it

Congratulations to you too! People I work with (who don’t know) keep throwing comments like “You look so good, you’ve lost weight!” at me.

Absolutely. This will be our first child and I am already so in love. I just try to picture holding my baby while I have my face shoved in a toilet 17 times a day