
From the American Association of Public Speaking Coaches? What the fuck are you going on about?

No, what I’m saying is that “Hillary Clinton” is less an actual human than a collection of focus group tested sound bites meticulously crafted by political consulting agencies and advertising firms. And I’m surprised that they’re doing their jobs so poorly. What I’m saying is that for all the resources and expertise

If you were to ask me in 2008 what HRC’s 2016 campaign would be like, I would use the word flawless. Meticulous propaganda so well crafted that cynical progressives like myself wouldn’t even question compromising over her. The kind of psy ops that would have made her ‘inevitability’ seem more inevitable. When I look

But “perfectly fine” shouldn’t be how we judge someone who’s been planning this campaign for the last decade. I don’t know why we can’t address the fact that she isn’t a great public speaker. Michelle Obama is able to sound strong, sincere, and energetic in a way that I did not get from HIllary. When Nina Turner


I guess they’re finally getting around to Juanita Broaddrick’s rape kit.

Anal is how he rewards himself after signing an extrajudicial kill order.

I’m a 31 year old man, and the positive video gave me an emotional reaction. I do have feelings!

The Obama administration has been raining hell down on Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Syria for years. If you’re so naive to think that her Sec State position didn’t work to engineer the civilian deaths we are experiencing today you are dangerously naive. She has said multiple times she would go to war with Iran and her

After the rousing Paul Simon performance the whole thing seemed like a self-congratulatory baby boomer pageant. Any more references to the generations who blithely wallowed in their own comfort while burning the world down around them would have pushed it over the edge.

Mom was probably OK with coloureds having rights, as long as they didn’t move next door to her little girl.

The war-mongering cannot be countered. She has been a hawk from the very beginning and throughout her time as SecState. A vote for Hillary is a vote for more aggressive action in the Middle East, she has been adamant about that throughout this campaign. Here’s the thing, you can want Trump defeated but still be very

The glass ceiling shattering white feminism circle jerk we witnessed didn’t do much to address the looming elephant in the room. If and when Trump begins to trot out the women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault and rape. The double bind will be extreme, do these noble feminists “believe her” as we have

It must not take much.

She is giving me Fergie meth face teas! All leather and deep lines. Goddamn ... what a messy bitch.

Will you be cheering when Hillary decides to prove to everyone that “a woman is strong enough to pull the trigger” and plunges us into a full blown war? I guess your feminism only extends to the edge of the US border.

Did you ever think, when you first started to develop a political consciousness, that you would one day be railing against those “goddamned hippies” and their anti-war, universal health care foolishness? When did you give up on your principles and wander over to the meaningless center? I’d love to know the life

Surrounding yourself with corrupt centrist whites will be the perfect way to energize young people, POC, and the democratic base. Mike Bloomberg, Tim Kaine, and DWS - onward to victory? She’s toast.

Yeah Kaine is really going to energize the millions of black people HRC needs to leave the house by looking like the cop that killed their brothers and sisters. That’ll really energize the base, a fat old white man.

You really zeroed in on the most important part of the comment.