
The issue isn’t your pronouns - it’s more that asking someone’s preferred pronouns is a form of etiquette, if you meet someone slightly gender non-conforming, or in the event that someone gets obviously clocked and you’re not quite sure what they’re comfortable being called — you say hey, what are your preferred

You must be a hoot at the office christmas party.

If those opinions weren’t so brain numbingly tone deaf I’d more inclined to give a shit.

*would swallow

That makes sense, to use the legal and chosen with gender neutral pronouns; I feel like it balances being respectful to the victim in this case and trying to accurately convey what actually happened.

The misgendering is the focus of the article, but the context of the murder seems to be beyond the “X trans person killed this year” which usually suggests some kind of identity motive, hate crime framing, where this may be just be a fucked up thing that happened.

I guess it was unclear if she had changed her name legally, if she hadn’t it makes sense that they would use the name on record.

I wonder about this all the time, the US has an astronomical murder rate, despite trans women being an infinitesimally small percentage of that population they will also, on occasion, be murdered - sometimes due to their transness and sometimes due to a number of often related but sometimes unrelated variables.

No you’re totally right, in the context of 90's “gang violence” paranoia, Hillary wasn’t using “super predators” as a dog whistle to signal - to you, the moderate suburban democrat - that she was aware of the threat that black children pose to civilized society. A politician would never use thinly veiled racial

So you’re trying to tell me what a good Hillary democrat you are by doubling down on racist assertions and not so subtly hinting that black children are indeed rapist “super predators.” How progressive of you.

And that she considered black kids to be “super predators”

Gosh, it was only yesterday that she was calling black children “super predators” and reminding us that the only marriage she’s ever heard of was between a man and a woman. I guess it is true that when suburban Democrats over 40 become a voting block, they’re indistinguishable from moderate republicans.


you have some really idealistic views about higher education

I mean she does have a point, Will makes 20 mil. a movie, if he wanted to get content made he could, but he don’t. At a certain point you just have to roll your eyes and say ok and ? These are the black bourgeoisie of entertainment and they make it seem like they’re not getting a break when they could literally do it

I am a shameless Sandy Hook truther, “where are the goddamned bodies?!”

Presenting as a woman/man? Rad - use the women’s/men’s restroom, no questions asked and no ridiculous genital checking business, and fuck, just for kicks have a single occupant restroom if you just can’t be pressed to decide. Other than that I don’t see the benefit of removing the labels - women and men are just more

If your baby wears fur - I’m still going to spit on it.

I agree, I’m doing graduate study now and many (but not all) female teachers tend to go the Tiger Mom routeL: lots of work long end of term projects etc which oddly only makes more for them. At least in the social sciences, men have opted for more laid back conceptually rigorous but not really task based styles of