
But girl those eyebrows.

Instead we watch Steven Universe and go on Tumblr correct?

Sadly, adults are allowed to be misogynists. Seeing misogyny and acting accordingly (avoiding the fuck out of it) are probably more valuable skills to develop than the knee-jerk reaction to ban things that hurt your feelings. You also get to know who the jerks are.

The kid and his family just met with Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir who’s currently being tried for crimes against humanity by the ICC.

I really wanted this story to be a clear cut case of Texas racism (which it still is) but there is something fucked going on with the family. Usually sound parenting

So without indulging in conspiracy theories.

And Miss Bonet is left unscathed and slayin’

femme pansexual twink
Yeah... just because it’s a utopia doesn’t mean its without standards. I’m not really convinced there’s a huge market share for what you’re putting on offer there bud.

A hetero dude who will hit on anything with a pulse and no Y chromosome.

That’s so hot. Keep on keepin on.

Also maybe don’t do something stupid like trying to draw an analogy between sexual orientation and racial preferences.

As a gay dude I’m particularly equipped to bristle at the thought of someone gently informing me as to who I should be fucking or why, for any reason and under any circumstances. The notion that one’s

Depends on who you’re talking to; many trans women feel that if you’re not having sex with pre-op trans women as a straight man that you’re transphobic. They find the majority’s linking of sex with genital configuration to be an issue. When I hear those issues brought to light, all I can really interpret is the

Please don’t tell me how I can use language, it’s demeaning for both of us - but mostly makes you look simple. The argument that this OP draws on is that if you’re not fucking other races, other genders, or any number of minoritarian subjects, that it is because you are racist, ableist, transphobic etc.

This is

That sort of sexual policing gives me rapey vibes. It suggests that we have to go against our own bodies and experiences to somehow fuck our way to social justice - which is gross. I don’t need to be shamed or coerced into having sex that I don’t want to have, especially not when its only to further a narrative.


Are handjobs even sex Taylor? Be a grown up

Because nothing makes art great like a quota system.

They’re wearing make-up beards you idiot.

Shhh that’s the dirty secret that made it out of the article. The roughest variety of homophobia.

Body wash people. Body wash. No plague cloths thank you.

Breathe for a second, take a bath - calm down. 1 I address the error in a later comment 2 while trans women shouldn’t be misgendered, I think there are more structural causes for their murders than people thinking they ‘aren’t real.’ Should WW be called out for making an ignorant comment? Totally - should we make the

You’re right. I suppose if you have a platform to reach millions of people, it shouldn’t be to denigrate one of the most vulnerable populations. We should be able to mock Jenner because she’s an awful person: wealthy, out of touch, and a murderess — not because she’s trans. We just need to jump that hurdle in ‘the

Ignorance really does solve all ethical quandaries.
Your mom is an idiotic twat.