Peter M. Smith

Can you reverse your punishment order? I feel that would be more entertaining for the people in court.

The charger on my Surface Pro 3 has the USB port on the brick. I’ve used the “Hey, mind if I plug my charger instead of your charger? You can chain off of mine, we can both charge at the same time.” line, with only one failure in the years now.

This needs all of the stars.

Let’s be honest here. If the paramedics amputated the arm at the scene, they were most likely finishing a job the accident started.

My wife is often with me, I can see how somebody can get the two words confused.

Telling people to buy new cars around here will get you taken out back and shot.

After watching Baby Driver: No. No we don’t.

One of the best ways to improve your skills is to teach others.

Are you aware that pressurizing and depressurizing an aircraft is part of a cycle?

I’m less concerned about the age of an aircraft as I am the number of takeoff/landing cycles it has. I’d rather fly on an older aircraft that flies long haul routes than a newer aircraft that’s taken off and landed more often than the older bird. It’s those cycles that put wear on the frame and landing gear, more so

Cops in Chicago would do squat to ticket cyclists, not when the last mayor was a big fan of cycling. Which is too bad, since the first line listed in the Illinois Bicycle Rules of the Road book (after the safety equipment) is: “When riding your bicycle on Illinois roadways, you must obey the same traffic laws, signs

It’s bad enough that too many of the Deadspin writers have that “Forget the rules, how I feel during the event is more important” attitude. Please don’t let that get rooted here. If a rule is broken, issue the penalty. Don’t like the rule? Champion for it to get removed next season.

Probably the only good thing that came from Ben Affleck’s Daredevil movie was Michael Clark Duncan’s portrayal of Kingpin. If that change worked, then let Elba play Bond. What’s the worst he’ll do? Make Dalton or Lazenby look better by comparison?

An Odyssey doesn’t have a trunk.

Cross into Ontario at Sarnia, then get on the 402. Almost immediately you’ll see signs warning you that doing 50 KPH over the limit (100 KPH, though I think it’s going up soon) will earn you a $10,000 fine, a roadside impounding of your car, and your license getting suspended on the spot. Not sure if this is a federal

Chase sold me CAD at $0.80 USD this month, so about $295USD.

The last Sox game I went to we were on the opposite side of the field from your seats. We were about two seats past the netting on the 3rd base line. And while we were goofing around whenever a righty was up to bat, whenever a lefty came up we were laser focused on the batter. Because we knew we wouldn’t have time to

The sample staff at Costco slices kielbasa and browns it up in the warehouses. I picked up a package and prepared it at home in this fashion, with one change: butter in the pan first. Now I want to see about doing this on the grill. Thank you Kevin, and damn you as well!

So what you’re saying is you’re Henry Ford? His support of antisemitism was known prior to World War II. Yet people still bought his cars, gave his company money.

A lot of center-to-right people, some Republicans who hold their noses, and some hard right individuals who feel the need to embed themselves. All chasing the dollars that are in any major metropolitan area.