Peter M. Smith

Give me a list of people who got sick because of my TDI and I’ll apologize to them. You’ll need to provide proof that my car was directly responsible, just to give you a heads up.

Corner lot in the ‘burbs here, so I have the double curb. I also have one of the “gatekeeper” houses in the subdivision so it’s rare to get people parking on one side. Usually just the big Catholic holidays, when we get overflow traffic from the church down the street. Didn’t stop this couple in their Ford Escape from

Jesus Christ, why didn’t I think of using the brick separator. Genius, ajdragon, genius!

From the legal perspective - it’s too late this year, but if you’re looking to transport fireworks in areas where using them is illegal look into transportation permits. They exist, they’re what allow professional pyrotechnicians to move fireworks in for shows.

This. A thousand times this. Go back and watch some Mythbusters when they’re working with fireworks. Wooden tools everywhere, and no plastic to be seen.

“Mercury, quicksilver, lead and cadmium.” You have mercury in there twice, he must have liked mercury.

I’ll be honest, a $15 AYCE Dim Sum offer sounds about as appealing as a $5 AYCE buffet.

I’ve eaten at a few. They’re a chain of diners, if people are expecting the food there to be gourmet have set their standards way too high. But for a diner they’re right in that zone.

Which one?

So what you’re saying is the NFL is following the governments (state, federal) in how punishments are doled out. Cut a deal, get a break on punishment. Fight the system, risk a harsher punishment.

I think it’s more of a dose of reality. “Yes, you just spent a lot of money to buy a house. Have you accounted for upkeep of your new house when figuring out your budget? Here’s a number that’s small enough to manage, but big enough to actually be of some value.

We’ve been in our new-to-us house for just over a year

The number I was told was to budget for 2% of the price of the house in maintenance/repairs, per year.

I’m not much of a fan of true Mexican cooking, I’m much more likely to grab Tex-Mex or American Mexican. So yeah, if a Qdoba opened at O’Hare right next to Tortas Frontera I’d probably head towards the Q. I don’t need “good” at an airport, I need “good enough to get me there”.

+2 stars for being willing to deal with the Blue Line, -1 stars for Bayless. Never cared for his food.

SeaTac has a Qdoba in their food court. I love me some Qdoba, but I don’t want to inflict that on my fellow travelers. They have done nothing to deserve that kind of treatment.

My local PD also tells us to call them if somebody is acting suspicious in our neighborhood, uniform or not.

Dr. Frank? Tim Curry carried the look soooooooooooo much better.

I’ll leave that question to somebody with a better grasp of the rules than I have.

We called them indirect kicks (not sure if FIFA calls them something different than AYSO). The initial kick cannot score, it has to touch another player first. The short pass met that requirement. that a typo? Or did something huge just drop?

Edit: typo