Peter M. Smith

F-19, actually.

It’s a Taco Bell Cantina, only without the third word in the title. We have one on campus, the menu is essentially the same as a regular Taco Bell aside from serving alcohol.

Wrong side of the pitch-and-catch combo. Collinsworth was a receiver.

My mother-in-law swears that heading to Panda Express reminds her of the cooking in her native Singapore (working further up the family tree sends you to China, someplace that Taishanese is the regional dialect). I’m not sure how big of a grain of salt to take with that one, as she’s partial to putting ketchup on her

Do you recall the title of the trailer?

I’m coming at this with about the same amount of information as you (maybe less, comics are outside my interests). I went back to Marvel’s Black Panther YouTube page, and watched the first two trailers again. The second one is the one I’m basing my understanding of Ross and Klaue’s relationship. It looks like an

Nice article, it was a good read as I slide into my work day. A question, though. Where are you getting that Ross and Klaue are working together?

Free Double-Doubles? What does Tim Hortons have to do with this?

Years ago I was staying at my grandmother’s for a weekend. She asks me if I want to catch a movie. “Sure Grandma, let’s see what’s playing in town.” Huh, the subrun is showing Under Siege 2. “There’s an action movie playing.” “Do you want to go see it?” “The last movie in the series had a woman popping out of a cake,

We have our first candidate for “Commenting Without Reading the Article” award. It’s not prestigious, one is given away every day.

At what point will the excuses stop? Fifteen seconds after the grenade that is two feet away from your face goes off?

Manslaughter conviction against Ronald Gasser.

When money was tight, you damned well better believe a number of my meals were built around calories per dollar calculations. It wasn’t a great way to live, but it was the greatest way for me to live at that time.

The two three things I’ve learned about David Tracy:

2 - sounds like you’re not doing any research when you shop. Are you one who makes lists and compares prices? Or do you suffer from a need to make impulse purchases?
4 - Does it have carbon in it? It’s organic. Anything else is marketing hype that is designed to extract more money out of your pocket.
5 - Try shopping at

Every Costco has its own buyer. They may be buying mostly the same things (because that’s what sells), but there are times when you’ll find something at one warehouse that’s not at another.

When the wife and I bought our house, the chest freezer was one of our first purchases. And where did we buy it from...Costco, of course!

I’m well into my second decade after leaving dealership employment, so I could be fuzzy on my memory. But I would be surprised if the month’s worth of warranty and recall work wasn’t bundled up into a single report to the manufacturer.

It’s the same highway, but the rest is all good.

Pressure leak down test, followed by a visual inspection of the cylinders. There was a post on this earlier today. Could the results be fudged? Sure. Will a dealership (which is technically independent from Ford) be willing to do so? I’m not sure they would, hours billed are still hours billed.