Peter M. Smith

That’s exactly what happened here.

This is actually an example of one of the my biggest annoyances with crime in Cook County (where Chicago is): the judges. The prosecutors wanted jail time in this case, the judge granted probation. Probably about once a month you’ll hear about somebody getting arrested for one crime, and hear they were out on

According to a number of my friends and family who work at various Starbucks, the decaf-for-regular swap is a thing. Almost always when somebody is angry at the drive through, as it’s pretty tough to find an opportunity to make the switch when the customer is at/near the counter.

*looks at the state of Illinois*
*looks at how long Madigan has been the Speaker of the House*
Yup, Madigan has gotten a lot done in Illinois. He’s helping us win the race to the bottom!

“Get ready to say goodbye to the Internet as we know it.” Until the next election, when the next person elected to head the Executive Branch starts to unravel the mess the current guy is making.

I loved the original NA release too. Enough that I was 80% convinced to buy it. Then I read up on the job system, that covered the last 20%. It was a day 1 purchase for me.

In Illinois, the first source of funding for public schools is at the county level, though the districts are handled at the municipality level. The feds are the second through fourth, depending on the individual school districts.

You do know he’s been dead for more than ten years now.

Met my wife at work. Your rule might want to get some reconsideration.

I can’t imagine why a team would not want to sign a guy who is in the process of suing them.

You’re not talking about the guy who is in the process of suing the NFL?

The company who manufactured or refurbished (depending on the age of the chassis) the trains I ride to/from Chicago is a Japanese company. So we’re already half way there.

Is that you Luongo? Thought you went by Strombone online.

Oh, you want to play Shadowrun? You’re going to need more d6's. When I’d play I would usually bring two 15 packs, and sometimes I’d have to borrow some more.

Don’t want to take the lifestyle hit I’d have to take if I walked away today.

Why am I such a despicable hoarder? So I can decide when I want to stop working for somebody else without having to take a severe hit to my lifestyle.

Need an answer fast? “You are your own brand. Go with the name that will suit you best.”

Shut down ICE? Go nuts. Just don’t complain when you go to buy something at your local store and it turns out to be a cheap knockoff that was brought over the border. Or did you not know what the “C” in ICE meant?

My YouTube guilty pleasure is a copyright lawyer named Leonard French. My Kryptonite is redheads. Watching people tear up the terrain just doesn’t do it for me.

I think there’s something legit with the blue lights. One of the features Microsoft added to Windows 10 was a “night mode”. I have it set on my work laptop, when it kicks in you can tell the blue light in the display gets dropped considerably. If removing it is a positive for working at night, I can see how adding it