Peter M. Smith

A correction for the article - the dope who left Wisconsin for DC is from the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office. The line in your article implies it’s the city police force.

The symbol is very much in use in Asia, for the reason you stated: it’s a symbol of luck.

Early voting. It’s a great idea, it’s just something you have to make sure everybody thinks it through completely. You mention they should be guaranteed. For how long? Two weeks? Three? A month? Local elections this year put five weeks between the Primaries and the Election itself. Putting too big of a window for

“You can choose to sound just as bigoted and blind and stupid as they do, or you can choose to educate yourself about people who are dealing with different circumstances than the ones you are.”

Me: turned 18, drove to the county office, registered to vote. When I moved, I updated my registration. When Illinois

Make the ID a guaranteed right. I have yet to hear an arguement against federal identification that does not quickly slide into conspiracy theory-levels of lunacy. If you do have one, I’d like to hear it.

As for making Election Day a federal holiday? Pass. For millions of Americans like myself, a federal holiday means

Shifting polling places around during an election is shady. I’m interested in seeing how things are with my current address (wife and I just moved last month), but with our prior address I don’t think we had the same polling place in consecutive years. That in and of itself isn’t shady, mainly because the location

Can’t speak for the writers over at Jezebel, but I just got brought out of the greys at Fusion for their version of this article.

Now let’s see if I get my questions answered, or get flak. My vote is a mix of the two.

I need some basic education here. I understand how obtaining an ID can be difficult for people (I don’t agree with the excuses given, but that’s a conversation for another day). In turn, I somewhat understand why eliminating same-day registration will impact PoC, along with cutting a week out of early voting.

I thought it was a legitimate question. Ignoring the conspiracy part of your post, you came across as if you don’t want fines used to generate revenue for governmental agencies. Those agencies only generate revenue from two avenues: fines/fees and taxes. If your position is to reduce or eliminate the former, then you

Nuclear proliferation treaties are the biggest reason spent fuel reactors aren’t becoming a thing. The reactors are classified as breeder reactors, which puts them in the same category as weapons-grade plutonium reactors.

You’re thinking of the rusted one.

While you are correct, I’m not sure you’ve finished the thought process. In a nutshell, the appeals court will return one of three decisions: Uphold the conviction, overturn the conviction, or order a retrial. If his appeal gets sent back for retrial, he won’t be able to face his accusers.

It’s very reasonable, actually. The right to face your accusers is part of the foundation of the US justice system. If you’re dead, you can’t face your accusers.

Took a young lady to see Speed Racer as a first date.

So you are in favor of your taxes going up?

Why the hate? When hockey in Chicago meant dragging your ass to the stadium because Dollar Bill Wirtz refused to let games be on TV, the NHL was cramming Crosby down every hockey fan’s throat as the Second Coming of Gretzky. Before Crosby was even drafted. It was literally “YOU WILL LIKE HIM, NAY, YOU WILL LOVE HIM

His nuts are still intact, the injury was a *suspected* ruptured testicle.

*checks map*

Iran, part of western Asia.

NATHANJUNIOR was correct.

Jalops don’t buy new cars, or so I’ve been told countless times.

Uncle Buck makes the best pancakes.