
If black athletes want to go, they can do so now. Nothing is stopping them from choosing an HBCU versus Bama or Michigan or fill-in-the-name-of-the-top-tier-football-factory-school. Won’t happen. Elite recruits see these schools as pathways to the NFL. True, players from HBCUs go to the NFL too but not at the same

I gotta be honest, I am really really totally confused. For all of you who think AB is admitting this, you must think he has a command of the English language and grammar.

He gave up a net of $21 million guarantees to go play for the Pats and you think this was his plan all along? Kind of a stupid plan.

That run-on, stream of consciousness, un-punctuated train wreck of a sentence is proof positive that AB needed a new helmet.

as overvaluing QB’s is the norm in this league

So the educated man/Jerry Jones gets into a lot of car crashes that almost result in the loss of a limb and somehow I am suppose to see that as a pearl of wisdom in this? WTF?!?!?

And don’t forget that GMG is, well, part of and powered by capitalism and the boogey man of all Splinter bloggers, Amazon.

The only man I call boss is Flash Gordon, Quarterback, New York Jets and Savior of the UNIVERSE.

I am shocked by this announcement. Absolutely floored. I figured it would be at least another 6 months before they called it splits.

If this were anyone other than AB, they may not get as much shit as he is. Then again, would anyone other than AB really be pulling this kind of shit?

I believe that Splinter bloggers are required to write at least 5 posts a day shitting on anyone not names Bernie Sanders.

That is pretty much the only thing I got reading this. The rest is kind of confusing stream of consciousness that is super confusing. She is an amazing leader? Her songs are empowering? But her image is BS? Whut?

The difference is, your monthly streaming services can be started and stopped at will, unlike cable. Disney+ challenge will be, will you have enough content for folks to stick with you an entire year? I will totally get it, but if I realize that after I binge watch a couple of their series, I am not using it. I will

An old lady greets you at the door and kisses both your cheeks and offers you a cheese log studded with toasted walnuts and dried cranberries, and it all seems very nice.

Not sure that is the reason, although I do agree with the difficult and danger part (and I think that is the hardest part). I think guns are used because they are easily obtainable and the ease of use.

This non-sense and completely made up. What proof do you have that their are masses of people who soley for the insurance from companies they hate.

Why unionize? If Steyer is the sole, or at least the anchor donor, to this organization and it was built, likely to help his campaign, it’s not going to be around very much longer.

I wouldn’t call it staged, but it was certainly organized. I seriously doubt those 100's of people just happen to show up, with camera and media, when she arrived at the airport or were just hanging around all day waiting for her on the off chance she was there.