some people love that shit.
some people love that shit.
To understand GOT politics is not to see it through our modern sensibilities, which i think most writers at Splinter are constitutionally incapable of doing.
Vox has a good piece on why this law may backfire and actually hurt their chances. Its going to be stopped in the lower courts and the Supreme Court may decide not to take it up.
This is spot on. I live the life I want, save a lot (wife and I max out 401Ks) and am careful with money. Frugality is a tool we use, not a life style.
I am totally fine not seeing Kraft get a hand job.
Sophie, did you read the NYT article you linked to or you just need to outside source that wasn’t another Splinter contributor?
that we are far, far, far past the point where a “middle ground” on climate change will do anything but send millions to their deaths.
Or how about linking his own article in his article.
Then why so much love for Bernie? He checks all those boxes.
As opposed to Bernie Sanders, an old white snake oil salesman who has the cure for what ail’s ya!
Thank you for saying this.
What does this have to do with conservatives? Farrakhan is terrible and it has nothing to do with Right/Left or Black/White.
Ah the old “Denmark pays high taxes and is super happy” argument that somehow if they can do it, why can’t we.
Help me understand this, you can be a racist if you belong to a group with “hegemonic power” even if you do hold racist views or exhibit any racist or discriminatory views?
Dude, how high were you last night? (full disclosure, I was).
Very unclear what, if anything, Bran did when he warged into the crows. (Would appreciate enlightenment if anyone can help).
I am sorry, but I think you are taking a myopic view of this film. You are not wrong that yes, for practical reasons, they need to end this chapter of the MCU. Its not a comic book, its a movie, and the actors can only go on for so long, but to over focus on this is to reduce, IMO, Endgame to some kind of “studio…
I know Feldman is suffering from some really severe trauma, but someone does need to tell him this is not a healthy way of dealing with it, either for him or for society.
No, just mostly irrelevant.
Is it your contention that they weren’t progressive enough to win? If so, please explain your logic train.