
theres a republican jewish coalition? Thats akin to the great Chappelle bit about the black white supremacist.

HamNo’s writing comes across as like a rage rant he is having in the lunch room/break room at the ‘ole Splinter HQ.

I was also reminded today that 31 players at Florida were arrested during his time as coach.

Its coming from the White Guy who claimed:

Gainesville native and die hard gator fan.

How about this. I WAS a congressional staffer, district side, but let me tell you, hours still sucked and included weekend work.

Yes, this is UBI. And it’s theoretical and not without its pitfall.

Okay, so this guy is/was a dumbshit and his death is 100% on him. I have no sympathy for such stupidity.

The entire paragraph is nonsense. First:

(Blank) is the worst president in Mexico’s history. By (Blank) I mean, take your pick.

For once, I sort of agree with HamNo on PE in general, but Toys R Us has had problems for decades. I live in a major metropolitan area and visited several stores with my young son, who thinks it thinks its Xanadu.

This comes with the territory of being a social media star. You are under constant scrutiny by legions of fans/haters who follow your every move. This is the price of fame and fortune.

LOL. Are you new to Splinter and the Bernie-ites in the comment section? Totally unworkable and absurd ideas are all the rave.

Oh yeah, this is a real workable idea. Really thought through with a well reason argument based on a practical knowledge of how the House works.

AOC seems like she is going to be a great Rep and definitely a leader some day, but let her find her desk and figure out everyone’s names first.

It because Paul, Nick, HamNo, et al, have absolutely no clue how things works. I am not thrilled with Pelosi either for all the obviously stated reason, but the truth is this: There is opposition, but no alternative.

Nick and his ilk here, live in an alternate, Bernified reality that believe that the election of, AOC, Omar, Pressley and Talib, portends some “Great Progressive Revolt” is about to take place that will reshape the Democratic Party and the country. Its not. An Instagram Account and a million twitter followers give you

Your awhite dude. I don’t give a shit what your 23andMe says. The fact that you have to tell people just goes to show how hollow your pronouncement is.

This was an incoherent rant against FB and Crooked Media dressed up as some kind of.....honestly, I don’t know what the fuck was the point of this other than, as many have pointed out, taking a shit on white males.

You need way more stars for this one.