
Its totally frustratingly hilarious how you people can’t see the beginning of a monopoly while it stares you in the face.

I don’t love to hate her. I think she is like everyone else in Hollywood. They love the smell of there own shit and they are in an industry where they make money pretending to be other people; an Iron Man, Pepper Pots, Luke Skywalker.

Dude, seriously. That is non-answer answer filled with inaccuracies. And I don’t even know what you are talking about with your capital gains argument and how you tie that to Bezos net worth. He didn’t write the law on capital gains. And how does that tie into what Amazon actually pays him? And then you start talking

Ah HamNo, it time for the obligatory shot at your “Oligarchic Paymaster”. I guess this your equivalent of giving your conscious an enema.

It’s not like if Jeff Bezos could only make $5bb instead of $126bb from running Amazon, he would have thrown up his hands and said “nevermind.”

Here in lies the rub: In the fountain of snake oil she sells, there is some good. I get the desire to focus on the positive and lament the negative.

I think that is a fair point of view. In terms of demeanor on and off the field I put him in the company of Cutler. The only difference is that I think Cutler actually owned his “derpness” for good or for bad.

That is one of the scariest fucking pictures I have seen in a long time.  I think I peed a little in my pants.  

No, I am saying bladerunner made up a version of you to argue with to make his/her point.

Sean Payton, who talks trash like a second-rate nickel back

You are basically arguing with yourself. Its you versus a made up version No!Wire!Hangers!

Who makes it or not in film, comedy, literature, etc is completely unpredictable and, yes, often completely unfair, and many times has nothing to do with someone’s quality as a human

You make a valid, sober and fair minded argument. Unfortunately there is no place for those types of comments at GMG. You either sing with the choir or get shouted down and/or insulted.

Okay, take a life time passer rating of 85%. Right there with Jay “Derp Face” Cutler. Maybe “statistical performance” is not the complete measure of a QB, but its a damn good indicator.

Cam Newton is waaaay overrated. Google his lifetime stats. 58.5% lifetime completion percentage. That was great in 1985.

The chances that I have ever parked next to you are slim to none, so drive what you like.  I don’t care.  

Not every single one of them, but many of them i grant you.

Mueller is of course investigating what is already the biggest political conspiracy in history, in which Russia, Israel, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and possibly Turkey assisted the Trump campaign by humiliating Clinton and discouraging people from voting for her. In exchange they got US policies friendlier than the

Maybe I am naive, but I think enough, but not all republicans would be caught between the hammer and the anvil if Mueller comes to them with an indictment and they don’t impeach.

Total dicks.  Makes me want to key their cars on principal.