
So you think the rich pay enough in taxes already and their paychecks are justifiable?

Cute.  Although this has nothing to do with the point I was making.  So I will just leave it at that.

They basically get paid to post Facebook rants. And they complain that corporate CEO’s are overpaid.

If you could afford to fly a banner, then you are obviously rich and self absorbed and should be paying more taxes or better yet, having your salary cut in half.

It is possible to crack down on tax havens using united diplomatic fronts and coordinated economic penalties but to do so you would first need world leaders who placed the good of the public over the balance sheets of public companies.

Do you own an orchard? Because you are doing a great job of cherry picking a few words and ignoring my ACTUAL point.

Splinter is a place where white progressivism is allowed to live and breathe without anyone ever calling it on it’s bullshit

Okay Kellyane Conway, I guess you have your own set of “facts”.

Best part is that if he wins this fight, the company likely looses given how much negative press he has generated over the past year.

Obscure reference but i get you.  

How you don’t have more stars by this comment is beyond me.  

And people who know that there is a FACTUAL difference between annual salary and wealth.

without fail, people making these bold assertions always use the wrong your.

“Rich” is not defined by your annual salary but the overall accumulation of wealth. So no, I am not misreading anything.

Sounds to me like these ‘moderates’ are threatening to use litmus tests, something they’re so aghast at others using.

Yes. My objection is, literally no one is saying “Hate rich people just because they’re rich,” for fuck’s sake.

Hmm. But are the Democrats moving right because they are bullied by the Republicans or because they are worried about losing votes? I would opine that it is the latter.

Fox News?? No, its about 1 degree away from becoming InfoWars for the left. Grievance mixed with a conspiratorial outlook to explain why their ideological purity is “The Way” and that there are forces holding back said “Way”.

I am also guessing you need rock hard, fake boobs to keep the structural integrity of the upper chest region intact.