
I say its just another typical post in the Splinter-lands.

Uh oh, here we go again with some thoughtful reasoned critique in the comment section.

Fuck CVS and fuck them for being the only half decent pharmacy near me.

Polonium. But we get your point. Too bad JR didn’t.

Seattle=Legal Weed=Pete Carroll Manifesto.

Also, I was a bit rough on you initially in my first comment. So I apologize for that.

Yes they do have type guaranteed contract. For example, 5-$60 million, $30 million guaranteed. Plus a cap hit that can work against a team cutting someone.

Pretty sure NFL players, who have contracts, are not At Will employees like most of us. They have a union and a CBA.

Your reasoned and sensible point has no place in this comment section. Are you new here?

I thought Davis cut his hair with a Floobie.

This will almost assuredly blow up in the NFL and the owners face. Taking a knee is just one form of protest. Now players who are pissed off about this are going to find myriad ways of protesting that don’t involve the knee.

Uh, try reading his tweet and her response. All he said was the situation was sad. Nowhere did he imply she should “stay in a toxic relationship”. I think Ms. Grande is being very defensive.

Pump the breaks there snowflake.

She has done a lot of girl-girl so thats close enough for me.

Oh he is giving it his best. Its hard when you have to continue to write fiction as reality everyday. You gotta keep it fresh when your argument is stale.

So your argument boils down to:

Obama raised $778,642,962 in 2008. I am going to go out on a limb and say that it took a lot of help from the establishment to do that.

Gawker’s “news” sites are all about jumping to conclusions as are 95% of its commentors. You don’t needs facts or to wait when you already have preconceived notions, sterotypes if you will about certain types of people.

The point he is making is that you can’t explain voter behavior to the equivilent of a political “5 year old”.

It wasn’t to you, but piggy backing off one of the Max Berger quotes in your comments about leftist intellectuals and media figures and needing some intersectional populist, blah blah horseshit.