Thanos A.

What the.. Crash was an OK game for its time, but the gameplay wouldn’t be up to snuff for today’s standards (especially considering the narrow, corridor-like scope of the originals). I’m happy to see him come back with a fresh coat of paint, yet I doubt I’d plunge cash to play it.

You’re sorely mistaken. The .5 versions of these consoles will support 4K gaming, thanks to a thing called a scaler. This means that it uses a fancy ASIC to multiply the native, rendering resolution - which could very well be 900p or above in some cases. So yes, technically it’s a 4K image, although not a natively

You make valid points, just imagine having to performance analyze for two different versions of the same console - twice the time, twice the resources/man power and for what? the same pool of customers on the same platform - that’s cannibalistic, considering that you’re not going to make twice the sales on every

I understand where you’re coming from with this, but not everyone is technically minded - most people aren’t actually, they’re used to appliances. You can put a price tag on convenience, and consoles strive to balance the cost of owning the box (which as we know is a burden in itself, they would give it away for free

just comparing the cost of silicon per tangible performance. The PC has a higher overhead in that regard, considering the many abstraction layers that have to be pierced through. You can’t optimize (low level) the same way you would for a console.

In light of this, comparing specs between consoles and PCs is not as

For all the specs in the world, consoles thrive on optimization. You NEED better hardware on the PC but by a much larger margin compared to what you’d need on a console for similar sustainable performance. Regards, gamedev.

the “old man” reminds me of Randal from Clerks..could it be?

this objectifies men and i find it degrading. - FeMANist.

you can always repair your Windows installation by following a few easy steps. You don’t even need to boot into a bootable binary anymore to do so, you can execute straight from your faulty installation.

I’d appreciate if the word rape wouldn’t be thrown around for no good reason. The statutory definition of rape in common law systems depends on the insertion of a penis inside an anus or vagina. Anything else falls in the realm of sexual assault - charges of grievous bodily harm notwithstanding.

Prove to me that this looks better than Bubsy 3d.

Hint: you can’t, you polygon loving kids.

what the hipster hell is going on? that’s a terrible looking case, seriously. Even back in the day, it looked like ass to many of us. Truth be told, computers weren’t very pretty during the late 80s/90s/early 00s.

Games used to be fine at launch. It’s the whole “will get it fixed down the line” mentality that has crippled consumer confidence. Games usually get their make or break moment on launch, so your advice would be pretty worrying if you care for any franchise or IP. Initial sales account for 80% of the momentum of any

well it wasn’t that bad. Not many elements in the image. Found all three in less than two minutes by comparing vertical slices of elements, from left to right.

I was under the impression that X1 ran re-compiled binaries of X360 games, not just emulating the ROM master file - hence why they release them in waves. The issues regarding performance have probably more to do with the X360-X1 cross compiler, as it’s not worth to re-write code that was optimized for PPC for x86 -

Sorry Vita, bring the OLED screen back or gtfo, srsly.

religion: ain’t it great?

more like Fox Solo.

I laughed, but don’t be daft. The algorithm’s looking for elements of bilateral symmetry between features, such as eye distance,etc. Those matter more than your actual grimace/age etc when being rated as attractive or not.

well, in theory they (valve and relevant parties) could get their share of the license % (or fixed sum) on the resold game and whatever’s left can go to the seller. In case of a fixed sum scenario, If the price is below the license price, then (reasonably) the seller would be the one to cover the difference, out of