Thanos A.

Shifting the cost and risk of development to a bunch of kids and believers - yet still making bucketloads of money for the publisher is just a cheap act that has only one goal: To maximize profits. If they're going to go all diva about it, well then..fuck it.

sounds/looks exactly like something Norman McLaren would have done.

I am in no manner qualified to speak authoritatively on the matter. Yet, my view is that to be able to properly run barefoot you need natural protection. Our feet are soft and mushy, and the tendons, ligaments and joints have not been conditioned to running barefoot from an early age- let alone the minimal callosity

well unless one uses copy/pasted code or assets, it's not unheard of to have clones of games, even copying core mechanics. I mean, should mario 64 be offended by every game that uses a player controlled 3D camera? It's called a "genre", the 3D platformer, but the lines are pretty blurry. The law stands for reason, and

shameless marketing disguised as eccentricity, I wonder how many more people will try her games now. Nice one!

i want a scientifically accurate dino game that models their complex behaviours properly, and the player can interact unpredictably with them. This is just generic. I fucking love dinosaurs, so it put me off as an easy attempt at my (very few) dollars.

I like the one on the left. The Partner64 developer cartridge that is.

Too close to Moebius' themes without the styling..especially the last frame is very much looking like Major Grubert from the Airtight Garage. I love Moebius' work, but this just seems like a less stylish copy of it :/

that old man could kick my ass. damn impressive. And the motorcycle too.

This..can't be coincidence. the Metal Gear series has blatantly copied artwork from movies, so why not from real people? So much for least their tech and gameplay is excellent. The story is fucked up though, convoluted and too "anime-like" at points.

This is no ordinary man. The guy knows his shit.

Wow, my PC doesn't even do minimum. That feels horrible.

You can count on that buddy =) feel free to add me on me on fb!

As with all specialized forums, I think there's plenty of interesting folk like yourself looking for answers..try assemblergames too, if you're into the obscure ;)

Ah, a DreamCastman! I uploaded some old images of DC+DVD combo and the HDD prototype thing for the n64..that one you probably won't see anywhere else on the

Oh you can find me on 64DD net if you look around enough..:)

These 3 popular guys want to say hi.

any more bullshit blanket statements? Nintendo add-ons don't always fail. Your proposition fails in terms of historical accuracy. Add-ons, for any platform, are by default destined to have a smaller audience than the stand-alone thing.

Spare me the history lesson son, I was there, when all of this happened - you sound like you watched a video or read about it on wikipedia. Being a proud owner of more than one 64DD (devkit included) and it being my favorite console add-on (yes), I think you should sit back and get the facts straight:

The service you

Other than..the one pictured actually got released, it didn't pave the way for the competition to take over two entire subsequent generations. Perspective matters.

Oh, thanks for realizing something that many of us said since the start - buttons are an essential, quick, and reassuring way of controlling complex games. IPs tied to manufacturers also add extra value.

allow me to say that this is ridiculous..