I just can't

U R Dumb

I’m so sad! I guess I’ll go back to reading about a 2nd tier team beating a 3rd tier team on this site that’s ostensibly about sportz.

If you’re positing that Kansas hasn’t been gerrymandered, you don’t have any clue as to what you’re talking about.


Why don’t you cover KU?

My dude, please.

No. No they cannot.

Psst: read up on gerrymandering, and let’s remember that the electoral college is a thing.

Deez Nuts are for KSU

Jayhawk tears?

LOL snack on a dick, friend.

You’re predicating your entire response on the assumption that I did something that I in fact did not there’s that.

I’m not going to relitigate the election. I caucased for Bernie but voted for HRC because I’m not an idiot.

Not at all. That’s fine (just FYI, I said your take was shitty, not hot).

No, people recognize the bullshit you’re peddling. Neoliberal/third way Dems (YASS QUEEN) drove us here.

This is bullshit.

Right. Because getting your ass kicked at every level of governmental election nationally for the last near decade has really worked out well for the party.

Obama deserves some of the blame for that of course, but fuck the DNC and Nancy Pelosi forever.

Fucking *ding ding ding* we have a winnah!

I’m a lifelong Midwesterner, and you are painting with a very general brush.