
Dude, look at that photo. He touched Walt and Jesse and THEY turned to gold.

It’s before he starts working with Walter. He’s still Cap’n Cook.

I don’t think that’s going to happen this time. I think Kim will refuse to support Jimmy. I’ve given up on a tearful, happy reunion after that phone call.

That was very insightful.  He plays people for suckers then hates them for not knowing they’re being conned.  It’s the oldest excuse in the book. That people are complicit in their own victimization of the crime perpetrated on them.

I loved the Jesse scene, and I’ve heard some criticism that Aaron Paul feels like he’s playing a parody of Pinkman with these cameos, but I think he’s slipped back into the role with ease.

I thought maybe she was doing it face down. Perhaps she’s done so many that she doesn’t even need the pictures anymore.

I think Saul became Gene for a while personally. The way he acts out of fear in the few flashforwards shown before this season does not resemble Saul. And I think it’s a bit telling that the picture chosen to represent this season is Gene, in black-and-white, putting on a flashy red jacket.

Its gets a little annoying to see certain places constantly portrayed in media as nothing but dumb rubes who dont know what Miracle Whip is. Its 2010 in the show for chrissakes. They made it seem like 1982.

Saul was way more influential in BB that we ever knew, and the original show is better for it in retrospect. That alone is a clear awesome payoff for any prequel. I dont even care how it all wraps up next week, in terms off specifics. Just excited. 

Apply to a.v. club my dude. This comment could be a featured article and is way better than anything they have up right now.

I thought Kim in the courthouse was interesting. She sees the “new” Kim helping a client with his tie, prepping him for his hearing and appearing to care about the client just like Kim would.

Hottest on-screen love scene ever?

And speaking of sloppy, maybe when you call the mother of your criminal associate— whom she knows got into legal trouble in the city that you had to flee and assume another identityto tell her he’s been arrested, don’t act like you, ostensibly a Cinnabon manager, have a thorough understanding of the difference

Something I just realized after finishing this episode: Jimmy is always at his most vengeful when people attempt to hold themselves accountable. Note how his true rage at Howard started when Howard confessed that he felt responsible for Chuck’s death. When Kim comes in to sign the divorce settlement, his performance

Wow, I didn’t think so before, but maybe they will kill off Saul/Jimmy.

How about shout out to Mike Nesmith and Tapioca Tundra.  RIP Mike!

Oh, good, political ads. Everybody loves those. Thank you, so much, for giving me more political ads. I’m sure this will make the world a better place. Really, thank you.

The exact reason Gus was spared is not spelled out, but it’s heavily implied that Gus has some powerful connections to the Pinochet regime back in Chile and this makes him untouchable (or, at least, difficult to touch without risking a big problem). Eladio states outright that the only reason Gus was allowed to live