Carbon fiber as an aesthetic device is tacky.
Carbon fiber as an aesthetic device is tacky.
Where are the carbon nanotubes?
@Master_Soda: Only if they can be potty trained and/or trained not to kill you.
Looks like the baby of a F-50 and a GT90.
Have heard of this. My one question is how you teach a horse not to shit everywhere. I didn't know you could potty train them. Since this is apparently possible, I want one.
I think the BBQ Guru probably does a better job.
Baffle design is usually proprietary, wet with the ability to run dry, built in Nielsen device for pistols. That's what to get.
Nakamats was on Bizarre Foods.
I'm a goofy goober yeah!
These guys work in a Chilean mine, they are hardcore dudes. I wish I could buy them all a round, I have mad respect for them and think unless topside fucks up they will pull through.
I'll bet the MSR Velo could do the same thing.
We used to make these. Last night of a camping/backpacking/kayaking trip. Leftover white gas. Dunes and wind.
who else gutt laughed when they read ""?
Oh, and I think Giz(Gawker) should print up a Giclée of Mr. Spratt's artwork and send it to him as a thanks.
DVR set. Been in some serious Stroud withdrawals, need new Stroud. I can make it a week though, Stroud showed me how.
@YummyCyanide: Amen!
@Maave: Yeah, frangible slugs.
@Xaoc: 00 will work.
Shotgun for breaching, or sappers just open a hole in the wall.