I have a problem with your screen name. I mean, I might consider your argument but I can’t get over the fact that you advocate alcoholism, so I’m just going to ignore any point that you make.
I have a problem with your screen name. I mean, I might consider your argument but I can’t get over the fact that you advocate alcoholism, so I’m just going to ignore any point that you make.
Yeah, that’s one of the problems with whiteness, it’s not equal to blackness, jewishness or being hispanic and white, black, hispanic and jewish people aren’t treated the same
It’s a problem for those who aren’t white.
there is a book called How the Irish Became White, which you’d think doesn’t make any sense! They’re European! They’re the whitest of the white, next to the Nordic!
The course title is clearly referencing WEB Du Bois’s The Souls of Black Folk (1903), wherein DuBois uses the refrain “how does it feel to be a problem?” to refer to the condition of being black in the US. Flipping the script makes people pay attention when they ordinarily wouldn’t think about an issue at all. Which…
Maybe you should reserve judgment until you know what the course is actually about. Your complaint makes you seem pretty thin skinned.
Being born a particular way is actually a huge problem when it starts you twice as far down the racetrack as anyone else, so...
“Whiteness” is a construct designed by a particular group of people in order to exclude particular other groups and deny them their rights. It has been used to mean or to exclude a variety of people of varying skin tones and ethnic backgrounds, depending on what was convenient at the time. “Blackness” is also a social…
The problem is your refusal/inability to read the word in context. “Whiteness” is clearly not referring to the immutable physical trait in this instance.
Yeah, it’s almost as if you have to think more deeply about what the phrase means instead of taking it at its most literal interpretation. Like a university student.
Well, you know what they say... posting a ton of memes at once on Jez isn’t normal... but on meth, it is.
Hey do you by chance have any more pictures relating to not even once and meth?
Respectfully I also submit The Temptations version of “Silent Night”.... It’s not Christmas until I hear it!!!
Kanye West doesn’t care about black people
A blonde woman leaned over the guardrail to yell, “Better than killin’ babies!”
Madonna is the once cool aunt who used to buy you beer while you were underage but now tries to twerk at the Thanksgiving table.
She has the body of someone who has been borderline malnourished for decades.
Yeah my take is that he likes #calorierestriction over #gymrat, but hey she’s young, I’m sure she has the energy to do both.
hot take : josh brolin is married to a dress form.