You’re preaching to the choir, brother. Goodbye, mind blades. You have served me well.
You’re preaching to the choir, brother. Goodbye, mind blades. You have served me well.
And they're going to add a gay dude, and a minority. Im really hating how developers can no longer make a game without hurting someones feelings, or going out of their way to not seem political incorrect jusy because they made their game a certain way...
It's really not a good game. It's ugly, really poorly written (and the attempts at humor were sophomoric at best), buggy and not particularly fun. Your right that the way you said is the only way to play the game (and what I did), that is only because the combat is terrible, not because the game is actually good when…
Man, if only the bugs were what was wrong with Alpha Protocol...
People tend to get a bit more bothered by nearly game-breaking bugs. Also, Bethesda's games are regularly subjected to criticism about how buggy they are. Not what I'd call a good supporting example.
A lot was made of the bugs in Assassin's Creed Unity actually, even months after release. The likes of CoD/Battlefield, Dragon Age and Mass Effect all don't have bug problems on the level of Obsidian games - that's okay, Obsidian makes huge games with insane levels of detail and on far smaller budgets (well, far…
"Because of publishers", that's what they have claimed ALWAYS... except they can't make that claim with this and Wasteland 2.
I find it odd that even when creating their own original IP's Obsidian still chooses to follow the template set by other franchises.
This is Obsidian we're talking about. Their QA department is probably the worst in the industry, there are times where I'm convinced that it's comprised entirely of monkeys with hammers.
I wouldn't call it "crippling", but there is an annoying bug with the cage cursor function. It will randomly stop working (usually happens after conversations for me), and the only for-sure way to get it back is to disable and re-enable the option. Alt-tabbing out and back to the game has worked for me as well, but…
Heh, obsidian.
Obsidian has a game plagued with crippling bugs, and the world continues to revolve, for all is in its place.
The author of the Vice article just seems very immature: Numerous relationship partners did not meet your requirements, but you continued the relationship every time? She has vowed to never give another person oral forever. Forever is a long time, girl.
The other one that cracks me up is r/ThatHappened. The best is when they title them "Crazy Co-worker gets arrested for getting spray paint on shoe! Can confirm, am sign" and the story is- OP is offered a free lunch if she spray paints some signs. Horrible co-worker piggy backs onto deal. OP takes off her shoes to keep…
Jade Empire: Phoenix Gate. 2018 Aaryn, you can do it!
Well there's always hope :)
Both Mark and Mike worked on Jade Empire, so they're advocates for it in the studio (so is Matt Goldman, DAI's Art Director). I worked on it too!
Our plate is awfully full right now, but the idea to go back to the universe does come up pretty regularly. Mark and I spent a solid two hours in…
If it's any consolation, several close friends of mine have threatened bodily harm upon my person if we don't at least tackle -some- element of that particular beat before we're done, so there's that.
did you see the AMA gawker did with an anonymous cop? It was a chicken shoot, people really have no idea, nor care to try to get one.
If there has been one thing 2014 and 2015 has shown us, there are a lot of cop haters in the United States who will believe anything they hear on social media despite the overwhelming evidence against it.