
I feel that Jasons message is an important one. A lot of people, especially here in the US have a “shoot the messenger” mentality. Working in customer service I see this kind of behavior on a daily basis and it really starts to get to you. We are all upset at whats going on at Konami, especially since they have been

Disney let a dying fan see an unedited version of The Force Awakens. I’m sure he and his family signed a mountain of paperwork saying they would talk about the movie with anyone, but what’s really stopping that fan from spoiling the plot? What if he was disappointed—would a lawsuit really stop him from telling

“Cortana, show me a model of a human figure. A female human figure.”

Coming “first” to Playstation 4: this is how you both win and lose E3 at the same time

Fascinating insight with Timm. The idea of having a Justice League with uniforms makes sense, even if it does brush against the iconography of the trinity. And his ‘super cops’ equation to superheroes is spot on to me.

I clicked on this link thinking, "I have hundreds of hours of CS under my belt... Surely I've seen it all..." I was wrong.

As I watch this video, I want one of those carts more and more.

I feel like I almost always agree fully with what Olbermann is saying but yet still hate him.

Now playing

Gah damn, dat 311 shirt! Ha ha. Ahh memories...

Murica, hyuk.

I like how the Hitler one with the picture assumes that he would be looking down on proceedings... you know, like from heaven.

The semi-final solution

Now playing

I haven't uploaded in like 2 years but this got me. Obvious edits. Yes.

Oh god, not now. Not now, please not now. I'm in the middle of a kitchen renovation and have zero dollars.