
Well, i dunno. There is nothing to look forward for. This expansion is missing a tematic. All the expansions had a common enemy to defeat while the horde and alliance still had their battles. But now a whole expansion is about horde vs alliance? Meh. I’m not sold ...

Mada mada! Mada mada! Mada mada! Mada mada! Mada mada! Mada mada! Mada mada! Mada mada! Mada mada! Mada mada! Mada mada! Mada mada! Mada mada! Mada mada! 

well. the japanese version doesnt have android or cyborg in it.

What i noticed at the last episode. DD and Elektra was fighting close to the elevator. The japanese guy fell down. Danny, Luke and Jessice jumped off the elevator. Jessica let go of the elevator, letting it fall back to the ground. No impact anywhere. That 1 ton elevator should have crashed into the ground like a

People can afford a Switch+different accessories but not a proper home air conditioning ? I call bs.

Yup, my first tought was this exactly. “ the track to the second guy was inhuman “

Its too grey and empty for my taste. I would like a more colorful map. Or something like black forest. I didn’t like Oasis either because everything is kinda dull big plain and orange/gold colored...

I do not follow the pro scene or anyone at all. I used my GF account to pass time. She had a few deck built already. I used a mid range hunter first and leveled in ranked from 25 to 15, but playing againts so many people witb those flashy legendaries and all those quest rogues really made me hate hs... Not to mention

swift strike reset if you kill a hero with it and when you activate your ult.

You know what is the problem with Hanzo? That Scatter Arrow can deal 600 dmg. A good landed scatter arrow can one shot Orisa even with fortify and you can’t do anything about it.

Nearly every 2nd or 3rd death of mine in game is from a scatter arrow, and it’s not like you have to aim for head, a few pixels on a big

You know the thing is, you are not forced to watch them. If you are not interested just don’t watch it. After finishing a long game im curious what tricks are there to cut the game length, but i would never try to speedrun it. So your theory of only speedrunners are interested in speedrun videos is just plain stupid.

I have seen the anime. The whole problem between ghouls and humans could have been solved by sitting down to a table and listen to eachother. Good Ghouls: Sorry guys, we don’t want to eat human meat, could you please provide us somehow a little just to let us stay alive?
Anti Ghouls squad: Oh shit we have been killing

Frickin yellow vashing. Why does the actor have to be japanese? His name is Edward Elric. Thats not a japanese name. hurr durr.

Why don’t these bots have spam filter again ?

Ah... The amount of games i was willing to pay for because of the hype. The i downloaded the game, finished it, then i was like : “ i already finished it, why shoulf i waste that money on it when i can uy something fresher. So don’t come with this “ im going to get a copy of it but i play it on pc.” because we both

Duh, what a crybaby you are. Just turn on your magnetism or stasis and dont use it. It will be way much easier to see your target because of the red grid laid on the grass.... I got this mission on second try....

He is quiet easy once you figure out how to parry and/or dodge with flurry rush.

How about just reloading your save file to use the amiibo rather than setting the system clock....

That could only work if the switch usb port works in a slave-host relation to your computer and you have working drivers. Just because there is a usb port on it, doesnt mean it attaches as a storage drive to the pc.

About that title....