
Whether or not she shares his views, there’s no way she’s unaware of his loud-mouthed bigotry... and anyone who goes into business with someone like that deserves whatever blow back they get because of him. It’s called complicit.

Look what someone made and posted as an official pic associated with his business on yelp 🤣

Nah, Suzanne from accounting would’ve voted for Obama a third time.

I often see white parents with obviously adopted black children, I’d call the police but they’d probably arrest the kids.

We got more Trumpvangelicals here than people think. I mean the entire borough of Staten Island for example or all of Long Island.

I love that all of these recent stories are helping to shatter the perception that it’s just poor, uneducated White people who are upholding White supremacy and structural racism. These are middle class and rich college educated racists who are out here attacking Black people, not a bunch of backwoods yokels.

What you’re describing is sadly more common across the whole of the country than most people would be willing to admit. This is not a regional problem.

So, how much longer do you think it will be before Jeff Sessions gives a speech or press conference somewhere denouncing all the recent attention to #WhileBlack because “We don’t want people to be afraid to call the police” and “If you haven’t committed a crime you have nothing to be afraid of” and accuses everyone of

Native Memphian here. It has taken me a lot of therapy and a lot of real-world experiences to work through my own issues on race. I was certainly brought up to believe the same things as your coworkers.

A lot of people here think they’re not racist if they don’t use certain slurs. It’s insane.

If police officers were smart, and if they were willing and able to respect people’s civil rights, they’d always welcome cameras while doing their jobs. Any cop who tells people to stop recording them is a cop who considers it at least possible (if not probable) that s/he is going to do something of which s/he doesn’t

My God. Give these White women back their opiods. Hell, put it in their lattes and brewed teas. They are cutting the eff up without it.

We should be asking those pastors how much money and favors they’re getting from the current group in power.

We know there’s not a single rule written on any policy agreement for a property that states an ultrasound must be submitted as proof of pregnancy. So that’s bullshit lie #1.

In cases like that, I start asking all types of questions. Question after question after question. Yea, they left my blackass alone real quick.

This is very exciting for me. I am actually from Tacoma, and will be visiting this weekend for Mother’s Day. I CANNOT wait to march my black ass into that store. If either of those heifers are there, I will take as many items as possible to the dressing room, where I will take them all off the hangers and leave them

Bottom line is that it’s not our business who somebody decides to fuck, marry, or chill with. My husband is white and I love his ass because he loves the shit out of me and mine. I’ve been dogged by a rainbow of colors in my youth and it comes down if a person is good or not. If he’s good he will get to know you, your

The short answer, of course, is “yes.”

When I was in highschool, the DARE cops did a weed dog demo with some seriously old ditch weed in a sock. Knowing a thing or two about old weed, I asked the officer how he knew the dog wasn’t just smelling the sock. He obliged, took the weed out, and hid it.

It is basically child abuse to not watch Star Wars with your child.

I’ma let y’all finish talking about this unexplainable mess in a minute, but there’s something more important we need to address;