
this^. when i was a teenager, lots of kids of different ethnicities “boosted”, but white, teenage girls stole WAY more than any other group. To the point where we’d tell them what we wanted and they’d head to the mall and boost it...along with all the other shit they were boosting for themselves..

yeah my folks live out there. left california for there back in the 90s after my pop’s cardiologists were hollering dry climate for him. When i do i go out there to visit them and go running, it’s very early in the morning to beat the heat. I’m pretty wary of the lifted trucks speeding past me that seem to get just a

that’d be the one. the same one where a bunch of rich, NIMBY, “liberals” were all up in arms about their kids going to school with black and brown kids...

Here’s the whole entire deal with these kinds of things : they’re gonna get a slap on the wrist. Chances are they’re eventually going to end up in some white collar organization (regardless of ‘background checks’ and vetted by other members of their frat at said company), ascend to some level where they’re responsible

My pops worked for the airlines for 44 years. When we were coming up we used to fly all over the place for “free” (well standby meaning available seats and you pay tax on the ticket cost). Needless to say a lot of times there were open seats in first class so we piled in there. A family of five. Black. In first class.

This ^. happens in my neighborhood in Brooklyn all the time. These folks are damn lucky i ain’t my 13 year old self...

And so this is one the cats they want armed in your kid’s classroom? got it...

Seriously. I read this a few times, not only here, but on a couple of other outlets and was still like “Man...what??!”

The thing about this movie is i don’t think you’re going to see any of that 2nd weekend dropoff stuff you see with a lot of (big) movies. If anything, it could make the same amount the 2nd weekend with word of mouth and repeat viewings. And as someone mentioned before, here in NYC the kids are off the whole following

This is a great article. I’m agnostic and have been for most of my life (raised in a religious household, went to catholic high school - not by choice...), but i was just recently hanging out with a friend of mine : the brother’s divorced, single dad and an atheist. He says it’s a tough gig, being “out there” dating

mass produce copies of this article, drop it from planes...